blah blah blah surveyy.

Dec 14, 2005 19:57

The Best Myspace Survey* . . About You . . *Eye Color::blue Hair Color::blondish-brownish Height::6'2ish Favorite Color::orange Screen Name::ledhed127...cant get rid of it! Favorite Band::ah! too many. at the moment..smashing pumpkins Favorite Movie::ANYTHING stanley kubrick. duh. Favorite Show::lyk omgzz. ne thang on mtvzz. not. Your Car:::[ Your Hometown::eureka, ca Your Present Town::yorba linda, ca Your Crushes First Name::jenna of course Your Grade::11 Your Style::n/a * . . Have You Ever . . *Sat on your rooftop?:only for a smoke Kissed someone in the rain?:mmhm Danced in a public place?:yep Smiled for no reason?:nope Laughed so hard you cried?:probably Peed your pants after age 8?:i still wear diapers... Written a song?:yeah. all crap. Sang to someone for no reason?:yeah Performed on a stage?:yeah Talked to someone you don't know?:lots Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:probably Made out in a theatre?:yep Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:never Been in love?:yep * . . Who was the last person to . . *Say HI to you?:uh...? Tell you, I love you?:jennapoo Kiss you?:i dunno. Hug you?:probably jenna. Tell you BYE?:wtf? Write you a note?:i think it was amy Take your photo?:my lil sis Call your cell phone?:jenna Buy you something?:mummy Go with you to the movies?:jenna Sing to you?:josh steber Write a poem about you?:? Text message you?:jenna Touch you?:myslef * . . What's the last . . *Time you laughed?:its been awhile Time you cried?:? Movie you watched?:donnie darko Joke you told?:what's worse than losing your job? ...the halocaust Song you've sang?:no surprises--radiohead Time you've looked at the clock?:2 sec ago Drink you've had?:COFFEE Number you've dialed?:jenna's Book you've read?:naked lunch Food you've eaten?:? Flavor of gum chewed?:pink? Shoes you've worn?:my cons Store you've been in?:target Thing you've said?:target * . . Can You . . *Write with both hands?:i wish Whistle?:yeah Blow a bubble?:mmhm Roll your tounge in a circle?:i can do many things with my tongue Cross your eyes?:yep Touch your tounge to your nose?:nope...teeth to long Dance?:hahaha Gleek?:whaa? Stay up a whole night without sleep?:oh yeah. Speak a different language?:jibberish Impersonate someone?:poorly Prank call people?:haha. Make a card pyramid?:never tried Cook anything?:yeah...well done * . . Finish The Line . . *If i were a ...:unicorn I wish ...:i was dead So many people don't know that ...:my lil sis died I am ...:boring My heart is ...:beating Take this survey | Find more surveys
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