On art.

Jun 27, 2008 03:00

It's 3AM, I have a project due.

So what have I been doing tonight?
That's right, copying things I've drawn up into folder in LJ's Scrapbook feature.

Then I spent awhile drawing a really low rate self portrait thing, to prove I could.
I don't think it turned out too bad in the end. So I present http://davario.livejournal.com/30861.html 's meme for everyone. I ganked it from roselet, and have modified slightly.

Draw yourself as you were. Highschool works as a rough reference point, right? Besides, if you do this meme again later you could reference now. (Point between 2 and 10 years ago is probably a good one for comparative differences though, right?)

I think it'd be cool if you follow up by producing one of yourself as you are now. But then, I also think meme's where you draw yourself as a super-idealized version of yourself are cool. Whatever.
It is however important to head to: http://davario.livejournal.com/30861.html and give him a link to your teenage self portrait, he's compiling a list of people who've participated that's kind of awesomesauce in it's length.

Follow the meme, produce ART! If you have no scanner, then photograph it and upload the photo? I mean, who doesn't have access to a camera these days anyway? (HINT: Uni has Scanners free for use in the loft IIRC)
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