FIC: You Can Leave Your Hat On

Aug 05, 2008 22:31

 Title: You Can Leave Your Hat On
Author: Conjunkie
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17 - PWP Smut M/M Sex.
Summary: When Ianto Jones walked into Jack's office wearing something unexpected Jack's night  was suddenly anything but routine.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No ( Read more... )

torchwood, jack/ianto, fic

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Comments 28

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conjunkie August 12 2008, 21:23:22 UTC
Thanks Jemz, glad you enjoyed it I had a blast writing it, I supose I should really thank Gareth for his choice of head gear LOL

It really did spark the little grey cells *smirk*


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conjunkie August 18 2008, 12:11:40 UTC
He really does and don't we all just love him just that little bit more for doing it :)


ceindreadh August 5 2008, 22:56:21 UTC
(i'll be in my bunk!)


conjunkie August 12 2008, 21:26:28 UTC
You and me both I think I enjoyed writing this way too much, what can I say Gareth inspires me LOL.

Thanks for commenting sorry it's taken awhile to respond I've been away.....


nightporters August 5 2008, 23:01:08 UTC
Oh yes... very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!


conjunkie August 12 2008, 21:30:37 UTC
Why thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it I had far too much fun writing this, not that I needed any excuse to drool over the pretty pictures which are just GUH!!

Sorry for the late response I've been away, thanks for commenting.


naddypants August 5 2008, 23:14:49 UTC
*brain explodes with your awesome*

...excuse me...I'll just be....em....over there...
That was...wonderful....



conjunkie August 12 2008, 21:33:17 UTC
Why thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. What can I say that hat was just far too sexy for words and Jack thought so too *VBG*

Thanks for commenting sorry for the late reply I've been away.


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conjunkie August 12 2008, 21:36:57 UTC
OOooh now thats a lovely image.... Thank god indeed, soon as I got the idea the title just screamed at me.

Oh the hat is lush and I think you might be in a rather large queue of people who want to nab it.

Glad you enjoyed dom Ianto I had such fun writing him thanks for commenting sorry for the lateness of my reply I've been away.


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