If you had asked me a year ago what movie to watch that had pretty scenery in it, I would have said Jet Li's Hero. However, today I'm changing my opinion. The Curse of the Golden Flower starring Chow Yung Fat has THE most drop-dead gorgeous background scenery I've ever seen in a real-life movie thus far.
There are three things bugging me about the story line:
1)There's one scene with the Emperor and the Imperial Doctor. He's telling the king he and his daughter have added that special ingredient to make the Empress ill. Later on the doctor tells his daughter what's in the queen's medicine. From the scene with the king before, one would assume he and his daughter BOTH know the ingredients and were willing cohorts in a plot to kill the Empress. Which leads to another question: why is she being poisoned in the first place?
2)I also didn't like the way the movie ended. It didn't explain what happened to the Empress. All you saw was her going nuts and then smashing the cup with her hand.
3)The song at the end. For a movie with a such a sad, and somewhat disturbing, if unfinished, ending why then is it a happy song? Lovely lyrics and melody, but still, happy song when almost all of the main cast has been killed.