onepassingnight Application

Nov 24, 2030 06:02

Your name: Rox
Your journal: rox_chan
Contact: xLadyRoxanne @ Plurk and AIM;
Other characters played at Passing: None!

Character name: Sora
Character fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Version: V1
Canon point: Birth by Sleep, a few hours after the game’s ending.
Importing development from old game? Nope!
Background: Sora’s Wiki Page.
Changes from canon, if AU: N/A

At first glance, there’s nothing particularly striking or unique about this child…and anyone who thinks that would, for the most part, be right. Sora is just a normal kid. Though he may have a big destiny, Sora at a young age lives a typical life on the quiet, unchanging world of Destiny Islands. He spends his days with his best friend Riku either exploring or playing games and, like most boys his age, enjoys being around people and always has to have something to do. But that positivity and caring for others that he has when he’s older is just as present when he’s a child as it is when he’s saving the worlds.

What one will notice most easily about Sora is his cheerful personality. He’s generally a happy child, and not much can get him down. He tries to be nice to everyone, and he loves meeting people and making friends. On that same note, he often trusts quickly and without thought. The way he greeted Aqua in-game was the perfect example of this - even though he didn’t recognize her from around the islands, and even though she probably looked different from most people that he knew, he answered her questions cheerfully and without any sort of hesitation. This isn’t because he’s stupid, but because he’s still only a child, and usually he just doesn’t know any better - he's not suspicious of anyone because, generally, he never has to be.

On top of his general good-heartedness, Sora is usually very curious and energetic. There’s a reason he and Riku have tried to explore everything on their play island. He likes learning, adventure, and discovering new things, and this love of exploration would help him on his quests later in life. And when he hears a ‘monster’ in a mysterious cave? He’s going to be the first to want to try to go inside and beat it…but not by himself. No adventure is fun without the company of a friend, and neither is anything else! In fact, he’ll enjoy almost anything if he has someone to do it with.

He can get upset, of course, just like any other child. Sora can pitch a fit when something important to him goes wrong, or whine if he’s lost something or gets bored, or find himself in a variety of bad moods. But the important part is that he bounces back easily. When he’s down, cheering Sora up isn’t tough at all.

But the one thing that will really make him upset is seeing someone hurt or sad. Sora will do almost anything he can to help someone who needs it…after all, the first thing he ever did was give some of the light in his heart to a boy who really needed it. He’s happy when the people around him are happy - it’s that simple.

Overall, yes, Sora is just a child - an energetic boy with a good heart, who cares deeply for his friends.

Abilities: Though Sora has a strong heart - which is very meaningful in the Kingdom Hearts universe, especially in his case - right now, he has no special powers or abilities (unless waving around a wooden sword like a pro counts).

Writing sample:

If there was one thing Sora hated more than anything, it was being sick. There was nothing to do when he was sick besides sit around in bed and eat soup. He couldn’t go outside because Mom didn’t want him to get worse, and most of the time Riku couldn’t come visit because his parents didn’t want him to catch whatever Sora had. He didn’t even like not having to go to school - being at school was WAY better than doing nothing all day.

So even if he knew he was sick, he tried not to act like it. He would try really hard to act like everything was normal. But, for some reason, it never worked. His parents always noticed…or if they didn’t, Riku would notice almost right away. This time, it was his dad who figured it out. Before Sora even had the chance to leave the house for school, he had already been picked up (because he wasn’t just going to go by himself, of course), put back in bed, and had a thermometer in his mouth. A fever sealed the deal - he wasn’t going anywhere that day.

But now what? Sora again picked up the book that his mom had brought him, flipping through the pages and trying to focus. But not two minutes passed before he gave up again, putting it right back down on the bed. Reading had never been able to hold Sora’s attention for long - he liked the stories, but the actual reading part wasn’t even close to being as fun. Besides, it was kinda cold, and that was making it even harder to focus. Or, at least, it felt cold.

He pulled the blankets up and got as far under them as he could without covering his eyes, hoping that would help. Then, a moment later, he yawned, realizing how sleepy he felt. He hadn’t even thought about it before.

Well…maybe it couldn’t hurt to nap for a little while. At least in his dreams, he wouldn’t be stuck in bed.

Voice sample: Musebox post!

application, one passing night

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