5 questions meme

Jun 02, 2010 10:39

5 questions meme

mawbroon asked
1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I have no idea truth be told. I know where I would like to be but that involves winning the lottery. In all honesty I have been a bit “lost” for the last year, still am I guess. I genuinely thought I had found my niche but that changed and took a large chunk of my confidence with it & I won’t allow that to happen again. If I do win the lottery, sitting on the porch of my log cabin in the forest somewhere, smoking a cigar and having a drink (your welcome to join me) other than that I am open to suggestions.

2. Have you completely retired from tattooing?
Yes and no. for the time being I wont be tattooing in a studio but I have very kindly been given some tattoo equipment on the agreement I finish his leg tattoo.
I do intend to tattoo but will be doing so out with a studio. Hopefully this will give me the freedom to pick and choose what jobs I take on. However there are too many people who are quick to bring a bad name too tattooing and I don’t want to be one of them so a lot of things need to be right.

3. Cake or Death?
What type of cake?

For that matter what type of death?

4. Have you ever done something that you now regret?
I do regret allowing the situation at the studio to become what it did but there where failings on both sides and in hindsight I could have done more to rectify that. At the time I did the right thing for me and I don’t regret that at all.

5. What song is guaranteed to get up and boogying?
Too many. I like to dance*. Prob fave atm is rob zombie “living dead girl”

*I may like to dance but that no way implies im good at it ;)

stripey_kitten asked
1. Who is your favourite artist and why?
Now that’s a can of worms. I couldn’t narrow it down too just 1. There are so many that I like for different reasons.
Picasso. I think due to the range of different styles and genres he has produced over the years.
Brom, his style and imagination fascinate me. I would love to spend an evening with him…if only to look through his sketch pads.
Banksey, for turning graffiti into a commercially recognised art form
Fafi, I love her style, don’t know why I just do.
The late Frank Franzetta, my dad had a bunch of his art books and I spent a lot of my very early years pouring over them and trying to copy them, when your 7 his work encompasses everything that is adventurous and magical. To me they still do.
Simon Bisley (comic artist) his work on 2000ad’s Slaine the horned god is breath taking.
Jason Pearson (comic artist) is another artist whose style just clicks with me. I with he would do less cover stuff and more sequential art (hint hint Body bags!!)
I will stop there but the list goes on….an on.

2. What inspires you?
Hopefully not to sound too poncey but the world around me. Conversations, posters, comics, movies, music. It all seeps into my head, sloshes about (more like a cement mixer) and spill out. I’m terrible at following through with them though as I get distracted by new idea quickly. I need to learn some patience and work on the huge back log I already have as well as keeping adding to it

3. Give me 3 words Sara would use to describe you to a friend.
Ha! I think it would depend on her mood but hopefully “Mine! Mine! Mine!”

4. If I gave you a pair of wellies, what would you do with them?
Its funny you should ask this just because I had (stole) the idea of customising wellies after seeing a lad by the name of Nick (from Leeds and a talented graffiti artist) spraypainting wellies at the festival I was just at. So I guess I would spray paint / stencil them

5. What, do you feel, is your greatest achievement so far?
No idea, I think I make lots of little personal achievements like finally doing an exhibition and making plans for others. Even just getting up on stage to perform some of my written work was an achievement for me.

padpadpad asked
1.When did you realise Sara was the one and you wanted to propose?
About 2 months before my 30th birthday. I had originally intended to do it on my birthday but the timing just wasn’t right so I waited. 9 months is a long time to keep a question like that to yourself but I think I work out alright.

2. Were you a tiny bit worried she might say no?
Of course.

3. How much do you reckon you've spent on tattoos over the years?
About £275 and a few bottles of spirits. Been lucky enough to have been friends with tattooists most of my tattoo getting life so it helps cut down costs.

4. Which would you prefer - to own your own tattoo place or be a successful artist/designer?
Artist/designer without hesitation, I really have no interest in having my own tattoo studio. Comic shop maybe….or a pub.

5. What did you think of me the first time you met me - be honest!
Honestly? I can’t pinpoint the exact first time we met. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing as it means we didn’t get off on the wrong foot (or at least I hope I didn’t) I do remember very well the night we went out to the catwalk and I think that cemented for me that you’re a brilliant person. Got a hell of lot of time for you and I hope you know that…..you also have great boobs.

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