Hiatus Notices
We know you have lives. If you are in need of some time off, please copy and paste the following and comment with it filled out. We will give you a maximum of 45 days (about a month and a half) to be on hiatus. It may be extended within good reason; when it comes to that, please contact one of the mods
via the questions & concerns page, or
contact page to get a hold of a mod directly. Despite the time frame of that, please do not take it for granted. Without further ado:
character(s) affected:character journal(s):starting date:end date: (if applicable.)
Drop Notices
We don't need reasons for your character(s). If you feel this is it, please fill out the form below and post it here, as per usual; one form per character. Please also announce this in
warspoils as well. Thank you!
character:character journal:fandom: Navigation.