Types of Hauntings
Yeah, big deal, right? Absolutely. There are five types of hauntings/ghosts that you should all look out for: Shadow/Mist, Apparition, Doppelganger, Demon/Zombie and Poltergeist. Also, this doesn't always occur in Verity; it may reside in other countries as well, especially New Utopia. Read on for a brief explanation of each, and ask us if your character is capable of performing exorcism on them.
Shadows and Mists.
Also known as ectoplasm and ecto-mist, although elders would just consider them "annoying fogs". They are amorphous.
Time: Active during the daytime more so than night - they can be seen easily during the daytime, anyway.
Locations Spotted: Just about everywhere.
Activity: None, they're harmless.
Method: Religious chanting will get rid of them.
Apparitions, in appearance, are transparent white and take on the form of a body. They are often around because of unfinished business, but all they can do is make an appearance.
Time: As soon as it gets dark.
Locations Spotted: Woods and old stores.
Activity: They cannot touch you, but they will pretend and pester you until you give them what they want.
Method: Chants and spells of a high-level priest.
When one meets their doppelganger, it is said (but not proven) that your death is soon to come. Doppelgangers can take on the form of your own character or your character's loved one.
Time: They seldom appear at all. If they do, it can occur at any time.
Locations Spotted: Mirrors.
Activity: They will only appear in the mirror for a couple seconds until they disappear. The way you can tell that is that they will do something different than you will in the mirror.
Method: Punch the mirror before they disappear. 8l
Demons and Zombies.
These folks take on a physical form of their own crippled, war-torn and rotten bodies. They have no form of intelligence, and their only goal is to kill. It is possible to get infected by them, but it lasts for only three hours.
Time: They roam around 9PM; they infest during a full moon.
Locations Spotted: Mostly in the woods and the haunted block, but during midnight, they will make it around the established areas for any signs of life.
Activity: Kill, kill and kill. If you were bitten by them, you will be temporary infected. If you were killed by them, you.. well. Died.
Method: Exorcism is most effective, but their bodies can be temporarily destroyed.
Poltergeist Activities.
This type of haunting is also known as "noisy ghosts." They are invisible but are able to perform quite dangerous activities. They don't appear too often.
Time: 7PM and on to 12AM.
Locations Spotted: Stores and cabins; sometimes in woods.
Activity: They'll throw everything around your cabins. In the woods, you'll hear a piercing scream sometimes.
Method: They're invisible, so there really is nothing anyone can do about them yet.
REMEMBER, if you think your character can perform any of these types of exorcism, please tell us below!
As a side note, I almost shit bricks googling these goddamn pictures. 8( ~Lynne.