Got a new rat for Christmas. The child named her Buffy, 'cause I raised her right. She's up there on the right. We got her mostly to be company for Lola, who we buried this week. One of my neighbours came around very late at night, sat in the armchair that most people avoid because it's been pretty much hollowed out by Lola. He must have sat down just as she was escaping out from underneath, her neck was thoroughly squished. Didn't even realise till the next day, when I noticed she hadn't snuck out to steal the bits of Easter egg the child had left her on the floor and poked around looking for her. One of the few of my neighbours I actually like, too. The kind of guy you'd let into your house at midnight even though he'd clearly been on one hell of a bender because he's just that non-threatening. Fortunately he clearly had no recollection of coming around at all when I begged his help for picking up the corpse and throwing out the armchair.
She was a grumpy, antisocial pet and completely neurotic. I shall miss her. The child was scarily interested in the corpse and completely undistressed by the loss. The only time Lola would interact with her at all was to scare her into dropping snacks, so I guess I can't blame her. But still, a tear or two would be nice.
And now, I'm going to have to get another new one to keep the other new one company. She's the polar opposite of Lola, wants company all the time and will put a great deal of effort into getting wherever you are. She's already figured out that Jen gets up to go to the toilet at about two every night and will lurk outside her door so she can sneak in with her. And the metal, and you'd think, unclimable bunkbed frame is no obstacle to her when she wants a snuggle. We're going to my Dad's boat for the easter hols, she's going to have to spend ten days in a cage all on her own, because she's quite stupid enough to get in the engine or the canal if given her freedom. Lola would always disappear into the nearest hole in the floor and refuse to come out until you got out the expensive chocolate.
In other news, there's no good reason for me not posting so long except that I seem to have given up writing. I've been lurking around and never commenting. I forgot to watch Ashes to Ashes, I was pleasantly surprised by the child they've hired to be the next Dr Who, and my sole contribution to fandom for the last year has been recording SGA podfic. That's one of those Sci-fi programs that none of you Buffy fans watch. It's
here, if anyone's interested.
Is there a community for Jossverse Podfic? Because I'd totally contribute if there were. There seems to be tons of it for the larger slash fandoms, but aside from
short (I haven't listened yet, I'm hoarding podfic for an electricity-free holiday) and the odd Spander or crossover, I can't find much for Buffy. Do you people want an internet with no Spuffy podfic on it? I'm under the impression you need a paid account to set up communities, so one of you folk should get on that...
Yes, yes, I'm completely shameless. But just think, fanfic while you do washing up/walk the dogs/mountain climb. Totally worth the effort. Someone else's effort. You know, if there's anyone not too busy with the penguins.
Comments not disabled because if one of you sets up a podfic community, or there already is one, I want you to be able tell me about it. But I most likely won't get online again the next week or two, so please don't think me rude if I don't reply.