Its Constantine

Jan 25, 2006 17:53

Your General Stats
Name: Courtney
Age: 19
Zodiac/Birthday: Cancer // July 15, 1986
Chinese Astrological Sign: Tiger
Human or Half Breed Stranger?: Heh...depends on how you'd like to look at it =)
What's your current home situation?: With my parents -_-;
What's your current position in the world?: Important is all you need to know

List Your likes: Singing, Writing, Dancing, my Fiance
List Your Dislikes: Preps, Bugs, Cheats, Hypocrites
Favorite Movie: Underworld // Constantine (no dur right lol xD)
Favorite Book: Daughters of the Moon by Lynne Ewing (series)
Favorite Religion(If you have strong feelings about this then just put yours): Christianity // Otherkin and such
Favorite is teh evils........>>...<<...>>...LOL

My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan?: God
Angels or Daemons?: Both....(funny story actually.....xD lol)
Supernatural or Natural?: Supernatural
Cookies or Cake?:'s teh evil.....mrrrrph
Water or Soda?: Water AND soda xD
Good or Evil?: Both, it's all a matter of opinion really ^_~
Hero or Anti-Hero?: Hero...done and done! xD

The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?:Constantine. because he lives my life (no asky, no asky)
Least Favorite and Why?: Satan (the dude freaked me out BAD x_x oy)
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?:No, unless it was my own life I was sacraficing.
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?:A mansion for me and my friends / fiance
Describe your dream Vacation:Ahem...St. Thomas in the US Virgin Isalnds LOL Someplace tropical and deserted just for me and my fiance.
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: Shia Lebeauf's Character cuz that kid's teh .....*INSERT CENSOR HERE*....cuz he rocks lol
Quote a Movie line:"Don't hurt that cat..." lol

The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx

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