Your General Stats
Name: Hellen
Age: 18
Zodiac/Birthday: Aquarius - January 25
Chinese Astrological Sign: Rabbit
Human or Half Breed Stranger?: Human, duh.
What's your current home situation?: With my mom, but well.. I'm always alone in my room, mom doesn't stay in home.
What's your current position in the world?: Another human here.
List Your likes: individuality, photography, digital art, music, web design, silence, freedom.
List Your Dislikes: bugs, homophobics, racism, milk.
Favorite Movie: Duh xD Constantine of course.
Favorite Book: Camila
Favorite Religion(If you have strong feelings about this then just put yours): Catholic.. but well I don't feel like I'm a "real catholic". Bleh.
Favorite Food: Italian
My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan?: God of course.
Angels or Daemons?: Demons are interestings, but I choose angels.
Supernatural or Natural?: no doubts, supernatural.
Cookies or Cake?: Cookies
Water or Soda?: Soda
Good or Evil?: Good, for a lot of reasons, I don't wanna go to Hell when I die.
Hero or Anti-Hero?: Anti-hero.
The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?: John Constantine of course, it's like the man I should lust (LOL), nah.. I like and admire his attitude.
Least Favorite and Why?: Angela, she is weak and she just cries a lot.
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: Kill.. and well I would have some doubts.. but I think: "In spite of everything, mankind is important"
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?: In my family and friends ^^ and me of course :P
Describe your dream Vacation: With my family and my friends just traveling in different places like Spain or France.
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: With Constantine, I think he can teach me a lot =P
Quote a Movie line: "God, I hate this part."
The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx