Your General Stats
Chinese Astrological SignDragon
Human or Half Breed Stranger?Human
What's your current home situation? I live with my parents.
What's your current position in the world? I'm a highschool student.
List Your likes Reading, writing, watching movies, drawing, A huge Revolutionary Girl Utena and Hellsing fan, mythology, going off into my own little world
List Your Dislikes Racist and sexist people, religious fanatics, liars, backstabbers
Favorite Movie I have too many favorites but I liked Underworld, Interview with the Vampire and Sid and Nancy
Favorite Book Dracula
Favorite Religion(If you have strong feelings about this then just put yours)I'm agnostic but I was raised in a devout Catholic household. I also find Buddhism and Wiccan to be interesting.
Favorite Food Japanese, Italian
My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan? God. Though I find the whole fallen angels story to be interesting.
Angels or Daemons? Demons I find more intersting but you always want a guardian angel to protect you so angels.
Supernatural or Natural? Supernatural
Cookies or Cake? Cookies
Water or Soda?Soda of course
Good or Evil?Good
Hero or Anti-Hero?Anti Hero
The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?: I liked everyone but I guess my favorite would be Chaz because of his bravery and humor.
Least Favorite and Why?: I didn't really dislike anyone but I guess Balthasar. HE just bugged me.
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: It depends. If the person was evil then yes but if it was someone close to me I might not be able to do it.
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?: I'd probably visit the different places I've always wanted to go. Buy things for my friends and family and give some to charity.
Describe your dream Vacation: Theres so many places I want to visit but probably Tokyo or London.
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: Constantine. He seems like the most resourceful.
Quote a Movie line: A mental patient killing herself? Yeah that's just crazy talk.
The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx
This is a picture of me several months ago but it's all I've got.