Your General Stats
Name Jessica ^^ Please call me Jess though.
Age 13.
Zodiac/Birthday 13th March, 1992 and Pisces.
Chinese Astrological Sign Monkey.
Human or Half Breed Stranger? Well, I'm human at the moment, but I wouldn't mind a pair of wings sometimes, especially pretty ones like Gabriel's or Chas'.
What's your current home situation? Living with my parents and bratty sister.
What's your current position in the world? Umm, being schooled in Year 9 in Australia? I don't have a job, and am usually slothful ALL the time. I don't like sleeping though, I'm a VERY night person.
List Your likes Singing, acting, watching movies, being lazy, Keanu Reeves (^^), the internet... It's probably easier to just read my interests list for my journal, I can't think of anything much different to put here.
List Your Dislikes People who don't like Keanu Reeves, pain, French, rappers, being poor, sports, highly religious people, the crazy homeless people who yell at you, criminals (murderers, rapists etc.)
Favorite Movie (Currently) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, because its the most recent one I've seen. I also enjoy Constantine, the Bill and Ted movies, the Matrix movies, Suddenly 30, Finding Nemo and a bunch of other ones, but I can't think of them right now. MENTAL BLANKS SUCK.
Favorite Book "The Supernaturalists" by Eoin Colfer, "The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman and the whole Harry Potter set by J.K. Rowling.
Favorite Religion (If you have strong feelings about this then just put yours) Proudly atheist, I share my parents opinion that highly religious people are a *bit* crazy, saying that you won't get into Heaven unless you repent for practically every single thing you've done during your life. I'd rather just go to Hell than deal with everything I've done.
Favorite Food Chocolate definetely, cheese flavoured snacks too, like Doritos and Twisties and so on.
My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan? Satan, because he's more fun.
Angels or Daemons? Angels, demons are creepy.
Supernatural or Natural? Supernatural.
Cookies or Cake? Cake, simply because Chocolate Mud Cake is a part of that category, and that is the most delicious thing you can make uot of chocolate.
Water or Soda? Soda, sugar makes me happy.
Good or Evil? It's hard to pick, but I'd say good...
Hero or Anti-Hero? Both can be interesting, especially in the case of Constantine.
The Devils in the Movies Details
Favorite character and Why?: Probably Gabriel. She was well portrayed by Tilda, and had interesting and really important lines and stuff. She was also good in the way that she seemed to be part of God's team in the beginning, but closer to the end she switched sides, almost without warning.
Least Favorite and Why?: I have two least favourite characters, Beeman and Hennessey. I just don't like them. I don't exactly know why, probably because they were kind of creepy in an odd way, Beeman's obsession with bugs is just freaky, and Hennessey is a dolt who doesn't listen to what John says.
If you had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: It'd be nice, but probably not. If not one person on the planet survived, and every single human was wiped out (including me) then I wouldn't care. Plus, if I killed someone, I would be stuck with the guilt for the rest of my life, and I'm not good with guilt.
If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?: Probably buy a nice house somwhere, pay all my university fees (well, I don't have any now, but I'm planning to go to uni), get a car and stuff. Possibly take a holiday at Disneyland in California, I've never been there.
Describe your dream vacation: Somewhere magical where I can eat all I want and not gain weight (I have a terrible metabolism and gain weight incredibly quickly). Or go to Disneyland with all my friends, or as we're aptly nicknamed, "The Cool Patrol", because we are considered to be uncool by a large group of Year 9's. Mainly the cool ones.
If you were stranded on a desert island - which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: I'd probably take Chas, he's the most adorable character, and I could learn heaps of stuff from him about demonology and things. And he probably looks good/cute swimming shirtless too.
Quote a Movie line: "Right, John, you did tell me to move it, but if you would have told me there was a three hundred pound mirror you were dropping with a pissed-off demon, I would have moved it further, John! "
The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx recent photo *yay*. It's a large photo, that's why it's linked. And I only look angry because I was inept with the camera and couldn't get it to line up properly. linked the first one, so why not link the second one ^^ In this one I'm at least three or four years younger than I am now, and have the most terrible red eye ever. I also look kind og high/stoned in this picture, I assure you I am not. this piccy I'm the same age as the previous one, and swimming with dolphins! Don't look under the water, I have REALLY ugly legs... And I can't smile very well, but that isn't under the water.