Your General Stats
Name Brandi.
Age 15.
Zodiac/Birthday Pisces/March 2nd.
Chinese Astrological Sign Horse.
Human or Half Breed Stranger? Human.
What's your current home situation? Live with my mother, her fiancé, and my younger brother.
What's your current position in the world? I'm a student in highschool.
List Your likes Coca-Cola; the colors black & white used together; MUSIC; getting drunk; getting high; turtles and penguins; cute things; writing; reading; the Harry Potter series; fan fiction; eggrolls & chinese food!; Open minds; my red Cons; Dorks/doofy people are adorable; I like collecting photographs of people kissing; Intelligence turns me on; modeling; skin-to-skin contact
List Your Dislikes tans; rumors; material girls & boys; "players"; being lead on; people who don't know when to take shit seriously; people who are in it for the "cool crowd"; those who like to start shit and don't know how to finish it; being underestimated; the cold; most 80's hairmetal; rape & molestation; orange juice; dr. pepper; SPIDERS; being tickled or thrown into a pool; swimming; those who go by "OMG, what would my friends think?" instead of thinking for themselves; changing a personality with every fad, and every fad changes around every six months, it gets kinda tiring and extreamely annoying
Favorite Movie Wicker Park.
Favorite Book Ummmm The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky or Solipsis by Henry Rollins.
Favorite Religion Buddism? Though, I'm not a Buddist. I'm Agnostic. But if I did have a religion, it could possibly be that.
Favorite Food Chinese.
My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan? Satan?
Angels or Daemons? Angels.
Supernatural or Natural? Supernatural.
Cookies or Cake? Cookies.
Water or Soda? Soda.
Good or Evil? Neutral.
Hero or Anti-Hero? Doesn't matter.
The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?: Lucifer. Just something about him. I love just watching him. He's such an odd, quirky character. I love how he speaks and acts, even though he's a dick. :P
Least Favorite and Why?: I don't really have one, but if I had to choose Mamon & Balthazar. Just something about them rubs me the wrong way.
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: Sure.
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?: Ahh. The "million dollar question" (haha). Umm I'd get clothes, take my boyfriend out and get him stuff. Blah blah etc.
Describe your dream Vacation: Umm, going to England with my best friend, Bri (as well as my boyfriend). Go out to eat, meet some English people, just have an awesome time doing whatever.
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: Gabriel. The only character I could stand long enough so she could get us the hell out of there.
Quote a Movie line: Constantine (After Bathazar gives Constantine the info about Mammon and is reading from the bible to ask God forgiveness and let him into heaven): By the way... you have to ask for absolution to be forgiven... asshole.
The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx