When fandoms collide, or More Pros crossover

Feb 15, 2009 01:01

Minerva's crossover fic has prompted this post  which I've had in mind for ages. It's a reference to Raffles in The Professionals episode 'Slush Fund' (1979). This is towards the end of a particularly slashy scene, where Doyle, looking particularly gorgeous, has come to visit Bodie, with a present, seemingly just because they can't keep away from each other. Bodie is stuck on his own (apart from Doyle's visits) observing  the house he is just about to admit having broken into:

BODIE: I did a bit of the old B and E, you know.

DOYLE: Oh, Bodie. What, the amateur cracksman? Poor man's Raffles?

BODIE: Only he was never nicked.

DOYLE: You--? [laughs]


I can't help thinking, watch out, Doyle, if he's Raffles, that makes you his Bunny.

[screencaps courtesy of sunray45 , transcript from The Hatstand website.]
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