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Characters Played at Ataraxion: n/a
Name: Ariadne
Original or Alternate Universe: Original
Canon Point: Post Movie
Number: 004
Inception Wiki ||
Shooting ScriptHistory:
There honestly isn’t much known about Ariadne’s history pre film. (Damn you Nolan and your vagueness) But what is obviously evident, is that she was/is pursuing a degree in architecture at ÉCOLE D'ARCHITECTURE in Paris. (As shown in the shooting script on page twenty-eight.)
Looking into the school, it’s shown to be a private “free school” located in the heart of Paris. Sadly it’s never really stated though, as to just how far she was in the program. But we can only assume, she was there long enough to have made an impact on Professor Miles, as he clearly thought highly of her - enough to recommend her to Cobb.
Cobb: I need an architect who’s as good as I was.
Miles: I’ve got someone better.
Throughout the film, it is evident though, Ariadne clearly is one of the best when it comes to Architects. As she clearly impresses everyone around here as she goes with her attention to detail. Being the most inexperienced member of the team also, it’s clear there is much Ariadne has to learn as well. And her constantly wanting to have further explanation as to what is going on throughout is evident to this .
“In writing the script for ‘Inception,’ it was very important to me
that there be a conduit for the audience-a character who is being shown this world for the first time and is eager to explore it.
That’s how the character of Ariadne was born.
It was also very important for the audience to see Cobb through Ariadne’s eyes and get to the core of that character. ”
- Christopher Nolan [Director]
Are first true exposure to Ariadne is when she meets Cobb through professor Miles at the school - assuming she is being offered some type of work placement. Only to learn, what she may be partaking in might not be strictly speaking legal. That doesn’t stop her though, as she willingly travels with Cobb to a warehouse, to experience dreams for the first time.
Her first exposure to dreams though, isn’t exactly some of the most pleasant ones to date. As her first time out, she is knocked out of the dream by the city exploding all around here. And the second, she comes to a painful death by the hands of Cobb’s projections and Mal. (Not something she obviously was too thrilled about)
After some consideration though, Ariadne does return to the team, learning all the tricks of the trade that are needed to become a successful architect. Much of this is taught/explained by Arthur. (Through the Paradox dream, where Arthur taught her the fundamentals to tricking the projections through a penrose staircase. The constant help and understanding as if he was her sounding board in a way while building, and the explaining of the totems
It’s Ariadne though; that obviously sees things for what they may be throughout. Noticing that Cobb seriously has some issues he is burying down in him, and wanting to find out what those are exactly. Which causes her to seek them out by entering his dream, and yet again coming face to face with Mal and secrets from Cobb’s past.
Clearly Ariadne wasn’t intended to go on the actual mission/flight, as proof when Cobb notes that he promised Miles. But in the end, Cobb's need to get home to his family, and her need help the team/cobb won out, and she was joining them on the flight from Sydney to LA once Robert Fischers father had died.
Entering the dream then, Ariadne is just as surprised as the others with the events that are unfolding. Realizing that things are never going to go as planned, and just what might happen if they fail the mission. Also learning just how deeply rooted Cobb’s secrets truly were.
The first level: Ariadne clearly has much of her time with Cobb. Learning the full details of what had happed to Mal in Limbo and how it had affected her in the real world. Also realizing just as the other did, what would happen if they failed in the mission - possibly ending up in limbo.
The second level: Ariadne spends much of her time with Arthur. Learning just how the projections are going to be reacting, as well as how the synchronized kicks truly will work.
The third level: Ariadne is again with Cobb, watching as the mission slowly starts to unravel do to his projections/shade bleeding through finally killing Robert Fischer in the Hospital. To only be the one - that when all assume that the mission has failed - to urge them all on, offering the idea of following Fischer down to Limbo.
Limbo: Ariadne clearly learns all the secrets that Cobb has had hidden away. And just how much guilt he truly had for planting the ideas into Mal’s head that he did. Something she truly urges him to move past. She also is the one that devises a kick for Fischer, sending him back down to the third level. Only to in turn shoot Mal, assuming she was helping Cobb move past things.
After consideration though, Ariadne comes to believe that Cobb is truly trying to move past things then. And with a slight hesitation she leaves Cobb in Limbo, kicking her self out by falling from the building. Only to wake up level by level, till she was back in the first level when the van hits the water - having faith that Cobb would make it out alright.
We see Ariadne again finally on the flight after Cobb awakes, a relieved smile on her face as she knows the mission has gone well. Allowing them all a chance to watch Cobb make it home to his family.
Sadly you are truly never given much detail as to who Ariadne is as a person. (We will just blame Nolan and his amazing need to make you think on this) But what we do gather throughout the film is that she clearly is an intelligent, inquisitive, strong-willed, extremely creative girl - willing to help out those she sees as in need.
There are a few obvious examples of this throughout the film, such as the rooftop scene in Paris with her and Cobb upon first meeting, as her intelligence and creativity are first clearly shown here. As she rather easily was able to create an intricate maze in less then one minute - something that obviously impressed Cobb enough to continue on with her. Her inquisitive nature was also evident here, as when she then willingly follows a man (Cobb) she had just met to a warehouse - even after being told the job was “Not strictly speaking, legal.”
“I was excited that Chris had written an awesome role for a young woman who is intelligent and comfortable in her own skin.
She is thrust into this completely new environment and unusual situation and deals with it very eloquently.
She can very much hold her own, especially in a group that’s a bit of a boys’ club."
- Ellen Page [ Ariadne ]
Her first exposures to dream-share also showed just how intelligent, creative, and strong willed she could be. As she was more then willing to ask questions in order for a better understanding of things, along with easily being able to put together all the information she was gathering. Even the fact, she clearly was able to create a believable dream down to the smallest detail. Making it seem as if they were on a standard Parisian street showed that a great deal. Or perhaps it was her wide-eyed curiosity showing through throughout the scene as well. No matter what, it was clear, that Ariadne was one that willingly saw a need to learn/explore as much as she could when it came to her mind.
The scene of her defying the laws of physics in the dream was another prime example of all of this.
Ariadne: I love the concrete sense of things- real weight, you know?
I thought a dream space would be all about the visual, but it’s the feel of things.
Question is, what happens as you start to mess with the physics….
As it appeared she quite easily was able to fold the cityscape in upon itself, causing gravity to work independently all around them. Something that almost seemed unimaginable even to Cobb.
Even her need to test the limits - disregarding warnings from Cobb - showed just how much of a need to explore/create/understand was for her. (Creating bridges, walkways from mirrors, etc.)
Upon waking rather unexpectedly from the dream - clearly in shock over what happened (Being attacked by Mal and Cobb’s projections). Ariadne clearly had no qualms about stating her opinion on things then (Hiding her emotions isn’t something she does well.) as it was evident she was furious as to what had just occurred to her.
Ariadne: Arthur, maybe you can’t see what is going on, maybe you don’t want to see.
But Cobb’s got some serious problems he’s trying to bury down there.
And I’m not about to open my mind to someone like that.
The fact she willingly walked away from it all, well that shows just how truly strong willed she was, along with just how much common sense she honestly does have - knowing there was even limits to things she would be part of, no matter how amazing they could be. Though in the end, her intellectual curiosity won out there clearly coming back after the events. Showing just how much of a risk taker she could be, even if she knew she shouldn't, she just couldn’t stay away. The opportunity to create and explore things she only dreamed about was too powerful.
Arthur: Cobb said you’d be back.
Ariadne: I tried not to come.
Arthur: But there’s nothing else quite like it.
Ariadne: It’s just pure creation.
Clearly Ariadne is also very perceptive of others, as she obviously saw there were issues with Cobb from the start. Which only in turn seemed to cause her to take it upon herself to psychoanalyze him - pointing out his faults as she did, only in hopes of helping him and the others in the end.
A prime example of this perception was the night she found Cobb in the warehouse after working on her totem:
Ariadne: You won’t build yourself because if you know the maze, then she knows it.
And she’d sabotage the operation. You can’t keep her out, can you?
That statement seemed to be the first time someone actually confronted him on this fact. Obviously feeling it was enough of a concern to be stated. One she wasn’t sure others had noticed or not, as proof with the comments to Arthur earlier. Even with the vague answer Cobb gave her with that, she knew she wasn’t going to be letting it drop that easily, there was too much at stake with everything. It was something after all that she felt needed to be fully understood. Which only in turn caused her to invade Cobb’s dreams one night, only to learn, just how deep his secrets/problems truly were buried. That alone to me, showed just how strong willed/caring she was, and that she was ultimately willing to suffer the consequences for her actions no matter the outcome. (If it was something she truly believed in, there was no stopping her.)
Proof as to when she insisted on coming with them on the flight:
Ariadne: The team needs someone in there who understands what you’re struggling with.
If you don’t want it to be me then you need to show Arthur what I just saw.
Ariadne also comes across as someone very caring throughout the film. Wanting to help wherever she could. (With Cobb, Saito, the team, Fischer, etc.) Showing just how loyal she could be there. One that was almost willing to even possibly sacrifice herself in some form in order to help others.
Proof in the fact, she willingly went into limbo to find Fischer and to ensure that the mission was completed:
Ariadne: There’s still a way: We follow him down
Eames: We’re almost out of time.
Ariadne: Down there they’ll be enough time.
We’ll find him-soon as you hear Arthur’s music start,
you use the defibrillator to revive him -
we give him his own early kick from below.
Her sheer determination was evident also in that scene, as everyone else was willing to give up at that moment, assuming that the mission had failed.
All in all, there is much to Ariadne, and her looks are clearly deceiving to some. As it is just a matter of time with her, and you are able to see she is where she is for a reason.
Abilities, Weaknesses and Power Limitations:
ABILITIES/ Besides her obvious ones of thinking outside the box, creating, and learning at a fast pace, she has become a lucid dreamer - being able to sense when she is dreaming, and changing/controlling things in dreams to suit her - something not easily learned. And something she excels greatly at.
WEAKNESS/ The standard human ones will always apply here. But it could also be said, that her inquisitive nature and perhaps empathy for others could be seen as something that would be looked at poorly at times. As in the line of work that she was in, it wasn’t something that was looked upon all too favorably.
LIMITS/ She is only human after all, and no matter how invincible she thinks she is in a dream, she can only do so much as a human until she pays the price.
- Gold chess piece (aka: Her totem)
- Red leather strapped watch
- Floral print silk scarf
- Outfit
- Sketchpad
- A handful of pencils
Ariadne is a short petite girl, just reaching five feet. With long brown wavy hair, large caramel colored doe-eyes, and fair complexion. In most cases you notice she tends to be a fairly laxed when it comes to her appearance, as she seems to favor the same thing over and over with subtle changes. Never opting to makeup her appearance. The only exception she had for this was on the second level of the Fischer dream, where she was found hair up, clearly looking more professional in a dress suit and heels.
Her PB is Ellen Page. Age: Early twenties. (If going by actors age at time of filming, she would be twenty-two)
AU Clarification: n/a
Log Sample:
She was fairly sure - no she was positive- she had made it out in time for the kick. Only to wake up on the plane, allowing herself the opportunity to happily watch as Cobb went home to his family. (That was the goal in the end after all.) But now, now she really had no clue if that was right or not.
Her totem clearly was telling her she was in reality; she had actually started to lose count of how many times she had tested it now. That couldn’t be good. Perhaps in time she could only assume, the more answers she was given, the less likely she would be in need of it. Something she was actually okay with. As even the idea of losing herself to her own mind was something she would rather not have lingering around. She had seen what happened with Cobb, and she even understood how it had affected Mal. Obviously didn’t want that for herself.
What she assumed was some form of device was only producing static now after that initial message she received. And the message alone didn’t say much as to where she was. Only that she was to take the lift - she was now currently on - to what would be the passenger quarters.
Hopefully there she would find some answers.
While on the elevator, she had clearly taken note of the design of her surroundings. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to do so after all. It seemed almost natural that she would take notice of subtle and hard lines of metal in it all. It was almost as if it had the effect or feel as if she was in some strange sci-fi movie. Clearly this was nothing like anything she had ever dreamed, or even designed.
It’s so cold here. Not even Cobb’s dreams were anything like this. She quietly mused, her hand reaching out and brushing the metal of the lift.
Riding up, her mind running at what seemed to be a mile a minute with question after question, none of which she could even start to remotely answer. Which in all honesty, only seemed to have her feeling as if she was almost helpless - something she hated to even admit she was.
She did know was that she was going to need answers - a lot of them. And the only way that seemed to give her a chance at that was doing just what she was - riding the lift up to hopefully to find them.
Comms Sample:
[ the device comes to life, Ariadne yet again looking around, her brow furrowed in obvious thought. before finally turning her attention back on the screen.
A ghost of a smile at the corner of her mouth, as she finally speaks, almost eager: ] Hi. I’m looking for anyone that would be able to give some clues as to where everyone is? [ she pauses again, rubbing at the back of her neck as she lets out a small sigh before frowning slightly at it all. ] I haven’t come across anyone yet, and to know I’m not alone here - well that would be nice.
I’m not really sure how I ended up here, or where the heck I even am. But I can’t be the only one, right? There are more of you out there - there has to be.
[ she stops then, her attention moving away from the device, as the sound of her totem can be heard against the table with a thunk.
A frown now obvious on her face, turning back yet again to only sit, staring a moment in thought. ] If this is a dream - wake me up.