Meagans breaking a rule...somebody put her out of her misery

Nov 18, 2004 15:35

Em...Me Without You show on Friday...should be fun..Im hoping that it will be ok..well I dont wanna see her fucking face...and I dont wanna see him be sad...cause thats not fun at all...not at hair is getting way too long ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

xkill_everyone November 18 2004, 13:28:36 UTC
How am I a traitor, I'm confused. Please explain. If I really am a traitor I'm sorry, but I don't think I did anything that would make you say that.

Is it cause Lindsay commented on my LJ?


content_losing November 19 2004, 03:42:36 UTC
I wasent being serious...I just really miss you, and havent seen you in forever...youve forgot about me...


xkill_everyone November 19 2004, 06:51:53 UTC
Aw, I'd never forget about you. I miss you too.


ramenrocks November 18 2004, 15:38:11 UTC
meagan, to me, all this pain is worth it. in the end, it will only make us stronger. these are probably some of the most testing times that we will ever experiance, and though they may be hard, all we can do is hope that things will all be better in the end. meagan, ever since i promised you forever, i have never stopped loving you. i always will love you. my only regrets are the times we havent spent together. you will always be the home my heart seeks.

meagan, i love you more than words or actions could ever express. my heart is proudly yours for the keeping.


didwekillthem November 19 2004, 04:15:36 UTC

This has to be hard on you… I read his comments and he says almost everything I have said time and time again. I wish I could just die and make this easier on you..somehow I don’t think it would help. I just want you to be happy…but just as him, when I say forever I mean it….and I stand by your side until the end…I love you so much…and I pray our nights don’t end…you have not betrayed me and don’t anything wrong as long as your following your heart….


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