Just to be positive...this is a list of 50 great things that people sometimes take forgranted. Your job is to comment and add things on to the list. Got it?
001. Hugs from friends.
002. Piggy Back Rides
003. Laughing with girlfriends.
004. Girly crushes on unknown boys.
005. Good music (whatever your taste may be)
006. A first kiss.
007. Sleeping in.
008. Cold nights where you can bundle up and hang outside. ((especially in Florida, since its such a rare occasion))
009. Window shopping.
010. ...Which eventually leads to REAL shopping.
011. Laughing at silly things only you and your friends understand.
012. Being with your special someone.
013. Butterfly Kisses. ((Or penguin kisses like my Goddaughter and I do))
014. Cuddling with someone you care about and watching a movie or tv.
015. Snail Mail.
016. Email.
017. Warm Cookies.
018. Doing well on a test you were certain you failed.
019. Acheiving your goals.
020. Being on stage.
021. Smelling the baby smell that only babies have.
022. Dancing.
023. Reconnecting with someone you've missed and picking up where you left off.
024. Post Cards.
025. Sitting outside and just absorbing your surroundings.
026. Realizing how GOOD I have it.
027. Living with friends.
028. Visiting a new city.
029. Standing in front of the ocean and taking in that 'ocean breeze' smell.
030. Soft blankets.
031. Blockbuster Nights.
032. Mid-afternoon naps.
033. Lunch Dates.
034. Christmas Decorations.
035. Hearing that first Christmas song of the season on the radio.
036. Stupid jokes that make you laugh.
037. Reunions with people you have been dying to see.
038. The phrase 'Have you lost wieght?'
039. Alone time.
040. A good book.
041. Finding the perfect outifit.
042. ...And the perfect accesories to go with it.
043. Driving.
044. Singing at the top of your lungs to your favorite songs.
045. Receiving packages in the mail.
046. GOOD takeout.
047. The sound of a child laughing.
048. Sand inbetween your toes.
049. Passion.
050. Friendships that mean something.