thank you, urban outfitters clearance sales for this $4 owl candle & $10 shoes.
my room looks like a shipwreck & there is glitter everywhere
i spent hours not sleeping and making holidays cards for elderly people,
i didn't even save a picture of them. one woman acted as if i scared her.
i smell your smell & smile until it hurts & stand awkwardly & you make fun of me?
i have been nominated (by students) as one of the smartest girls in my grade.
i'm not going to win, as there's this girl, florence, but i've been there 1 ¼ year,
so it's something. but really, it's nothing. and i don't feel as if it were true.
i can't concentrate, i can't get things straight, i just wait, wait.
i wish the lightning in this house was decent. i prefer artificial sunlight.