Mood theme credits.

Nov 01, 2009 19:03

I'm a mood theme whore, so I decided to make this post to thank the wonderful makers of these brilliant mood themes. Here's the list:

- crackified for the Daniel Radcliffe mood theme.

- motoredxheart for the Puppet Angel mood theme.

- kaciagemini for the Hermione mood theme.

- crystalkirk for the Supernatural mood theme.

- jillybinks for the Jensen Ackles mood theme.

- lostmemento for the Jensen Ackles mood theme.

- ignoramouse for the Captain Malcolm Reynolds mood theme.

- mukhy0 for the Superman Returns mood theme.

- annemaris for the Clark & Lana (from Smallville) mood theme.

- jadeblood for the Superman/Clark Kent (from Superman Returns) mood theme.

- The Clana Mix (from Smallville) mood theme is a combination of annemaris's still mood theme & tmkfan17's animated mood theme.

- twisted_suiker for the Harry Potter (the character) mood theme.

- lidi for the animated Harry Potter mood theme.

- colorsblend for the Veronica Mars (the character) mood theme.

- vval for the Chloe Sullivan (from Smallville) mood theme.

- iicons_are_love for the Tom Welling mood theme.

- causette for the Animated Supernatural mood theme.

- dinadrama for the LoVe (Logan/Veronica from Veronica Mars) mood theme.

- beneathgulmissy for the LoVe 2 (Logan/Veronica from Veronica Mars) mood theme.

- calikalie for the LoVe 3 (Logan/Veronica from Veronica Mars) mood theme.

- tattooedsiren for the Harmony (Harry/Hermione from the Harry Potter series) mood theme.

- chosenxone for the Veronica Mars (Season 3) mood theme.

- lidi for the Animated Supernatural mood theme.

- timidaffection for the David Wright (from the NY Mets) mood theme.

- dlaurora1955 for the Emma Watson mood theme.

- meg_tdj for the Jared Padalecki mood theme.

- toxxxicgurl for the Sam Winchester (from Supernatural) mood theme.

- aredhel4 & speakfree over @ noway_icons for the Supernatural (Animated) mood theme.

- marishna for the Vertical Ruby (from Supernatural) mood theme.

- marishna for the Horizontal Ruby (from Supernatural) mood theme.

- eviljr for the Hot Fuzz mood theme.

- meg_tdj for the Sam Winchester animated mood theme.

- dayzee38 for the Supernatural mood theme featuring Dean, Sam, & Ruby.

- crackified for the Christian Bale mood theme.

- twotongues for the Batman Begins mood theme.

- space_geek for the Reaper mood theme.

- thememoryslides for the Buffy/Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel) animated mood theme.

- stephi_crow for the Clana mood theme.

- meg_tdj for the updated Animated Sam Winchester (from Supernatural) mood theme.

- allie_quixotic for the Season 4 Supernatural mood theme.

- talulababy for the Animated Supernatural mood theme. (Seasons 1 - 5).

- easy_to_corrupt for the Eric Northman (from True Blood) mood theme.

- for the True Blood Season 1 mood theme.

kohler for the animated Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries) mood theme.

Thank you soooo much to all of you oh so talented mood theme makers! Without you, my journal wouldn't be as fun to use. ♥

This list will be updated everytime I find a new mood theme to upload. ;)

graphics: mood theme

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