Title: Coping Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, possible Arthur/Gwen if you're so inclined Fandom: BBC's Merlin as well as a bit of Arthurian legend Rating: PG Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to the BBC
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Gorgeous, the language is so beautiful. And that you took such a simple idea - Arthur dying - and turned into this jumbled complex story! I love the image of Merlin's tears making the ground muddy. And this line: It was never about possession or protection, not loyalty or mere love, or even destiny; it was just completion. And the end - so sharp and sad and hopeful. This one will stick with me I think.
Also, yay for another person on contrelamontre writing Merlin!
Comments 2
Gorgeous, the language is so beautiful. And that you took such a simple idea - Arthur dying - and turned into this jumbled complex story! I love the image of Merlin's tears making the ground muddy. And this line: It was never about possession or protection, not loyalty or mere love, or even destiny; it was just completion. And the end - so sharp and sad and hopeful. This one will stick with me I think.
Also, yay for another person on contrelamontre writing Merlin!
I hope this means I can look forward your Merlin-related responses. :)
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