i havent written in here in what seems like forever because of the doubt that anyone reads it.. but those of you that do read it, hello.. how are you doing today my friends
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want to be added? comment and i might.. if i dont.. then we're probably not really friends anymore, were just really good at faking it...but yeah..its worth a shot,right?
So.. Ever prank call the operator? I do. And often. So today I prank called for the 2093721903123th time. And you wanna know what? I was making weird noises.. And Operator Marge said, and I quote: "Up your butt and around the corner"
i just read christina joys last post. about memories.. and i posted my reply (im breathingmoment incase u dont know).. and now im sitting here thinking about how amazing christina is.. whether youve been friends with her for years, such as myself.. or a day... she just brings such joy in your life.. everything she does... even if shes sad and you
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