First Classes

Aug 02, 2006 08:48

(Filtered to First Years)

The Poisonous Tunneler:

The poisonous tunneler is one of the few weakest creatures out there. Although it is one of the few deadliest. As the name is given, it travels through the ground as a worm would. The Tunneler does not have eyes, however it has one of the keenest hearing and scent than most other creatures which allows it to find it's prey. It has one dangerous attack where it rises from the ground and then launches a sort of projectile that is coated with venom. How it manages to carry such a projectile within it is a mystery.

The venom coating the projectile happens to be very fatal to those hit with it and will die within mere minutes once the venom is in the blood stream. Once it's prey dies from the venom, the creature then takes it's time devouring them whole. In order to survive the venom, a cure must be administrated immediatley so it has enough time neutralize the venom.

"Alright. Now I will get down to the part on how to survive it. It's not too difficult to notice when one is nearby. The ground usually vibrates which causes rocks and dirt to unsettle. If you notice that... Well it's then a good idea to look behind you before you are tagged with this bastards poison.

This is your homework. I want you to train yourself so that you are capable of avoiding it's attack(Bonus if you can catch it). Any remarks about it being 'hard' or 'impossible' and I will gladly prove you wrong. When up against one of these, once you get past the first attack, it's and easy kill. And one poke with a knife will do it since their blood does not coagulate."

(Filtered to Second and Third Years)

The Grindylow

This is a water-demon native to the lakes of Britain and Ireland. It is aggressive and will attack humans by trying to strangle them with its long, powerful fingers. Though it will attack both wizards and Muggles in this way, the Grindylow normally feeds on fish.

"Now, some of you may have seen this creature when swimming in the deep parts of the lake, particulary around the seaweed. The best spell against them would be 'Relashio'. Apparantly they don't like the feeling of scalding water. But, if you're too kill one of these things. I'd suggest using 'Incarcerous' To bind it so it doesn't swim away and then just stab him with something until he stops struggling. Questions?"

(Filtered to Fourth and Fifth Years)

The Shrieker(First Stage):

The Shrieker is a nocturnal creature that commonly travels in large flocks. All of it's senses are keen, such as hearing and scent. However, the creature gives off a loud shriek to identify it's targets in the dark. Otherwise, it's eyesight is still better than that of a normal human. The shrieker has two arms and a tail. It manages to maintain it's balance through the movements of it's tail. The tail also happens to be prehensile and is often used to grapple it's prey.

The creatures hands have sharp claws for tearing at it's prey and also allowing it to scale surfaces easily. The hand of the creature has four claws. Although, a fith claw extends from the palm and is usually used to impale it's prey when chasing it down. The creature is never seen in daylight, for some odd reason, any form of light will scald it's skin.

Once again, Riddick's class was dimly lit with only a few candles. This time, the desks were spread out a bit and moved away from the front of his desk to make room for a large cage that held a creature which constantly shrieked and thrashed around in the cage. "Your all lucky today. I managed to bring in a live specimen of a Shrieker." He said, motioning to the cage.

"Now. As you hopefully have read. They are sensitive to light. Which is one way to easily counter these creatures. The lumos spell. But, that does not mean they won't try a suicide move to try and take you down. They are persistant." He pointed out, tapping on the cage and pulling his hand back as it's claws tried to grapple his hand. "I'd like you all to note the eyes on the two far sides on it's head. And tell me. What part of that gives it an automatic weakness?"

((Ignore the wings in the URL. The one they are studying hasn't grown them yet.))

(Filtered to Sixth Years)

The Yetti:

The rumours muggles discuss concerning the existance of a Yetti are true since the creature does indeed exist, usually in the frozen regions of the world where it fits well into the habitat.

In appearance, the beast looks monsterous, due to the immense size of it and the sharp claws at the end of each finger. This, and its rather hideous facial appearance. It is a very aggressive creature. It has a large body count of both wizards and muggles who have crossed paths with it and it is rumoured that humans are one of it's food sources. Altohugh it is very much unknown and probably will remain that way, the beast has the ability to see heat that eminates from humans and animals which assists it greatly during it's hunt.

"Laugh all you want. Your first encounter with this thing might as well be your last. If you ever travel the freezing parts of the world, it is the blizzards in which you should keep your eyes out for this thing. it is not the most silent of creatures, so it uses the blizzard as a method for keeping itself silent. It usually tries to surprise the prey, and the best way to take it down would probably be to surprise it before it surprises you.

What you will need to know about fighting this thing is that the fur is slightly resistant to magic, so direct hits with magic won't do anything. Although, their are parts of it's body that aren't covered in fur, such as it's face, hands, or feet. A simple 'Immobulus' spell would do nicely, and then you could take your time with it. Questions?"

(Filtered to Seventh Years)

The Komodo Felis:

Found all around the world except for the cold regions and most commonly found close to the equator. The Komodo Felis resembles that of a Leopard or Tiger with the slight difference of being completely covered in scales, which have been known to resist all kinds of charms and curses.

In terms of the interaction found from study of the creature. The creature has been commonly known to attack anyone that trespasses in it's territory. Although it is mainly provoked through the duty to defend it's kin and perhaps starvation in some cases. The Komodo Felis, although being a naturally wild animal, is sometimes captured and taught to be a pet. This is extremely difficult and requires a special permit for it.

Riddick had his desk and the students desks seperated by a cell once again which usually indicated that He had some creature which would attack the students, but not Riddick since he was on the other side. A Komodo Felis rushed to, trying to claw through the cell, but Riddick grabbed it's collar, pulling it back and it sat next to him, obediant. "...Meet Fenris. Killing one of these things is particulary difficult. Since weapons can't get through those scales and magic... Good luck trying. If you were looking to kill one, I'd recomend that you'd use a spell to drop something heavy on it, it would be difficult to do, but it would work. Now, if you have the unfortunate case to find yourself staring one down when you look to the right. Stare right back. Because if you cower, it'll exploit it. And you'll die. If you maintain eye contact for a while, it'll back off. It's that simple. Provided that you have the courage to do that. Let's see that now. Everyone step up and let's try it with Fenris"

((OOC: Finally! I better damn well get some replies to this because this was not easy to type up. Alright. Basically reply with an rp post on what you say, think, do, yadda yadda. Also. Feel free to just jump in. You don't need to be in his previous class.))

(Filtered to Marik)

Thanks for the assistance.
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