- [ Maxx ] - "Do I shoot this gun? Yes, shoot it a lot." -- Jason MacIsaac, Ludology teacher [writing play] says: I am currently playing The Homework Game featuring MS Word, and i can tell you right now, its a bad game. ∙¤*α м b ε я ℓ ý*¤∙ says: HAHAHAAHAH
Brad - Following in my Father's footsteps... says: Kazan CSS WP server, I'll be in there - [ Maxx ] - "I am currently playing The Homework Game featuring MS Word, and i can tell you right now, its a bad game." -- Me says: better idea, come join my server, be careful though, its running the Arial font in size 12!
Comments 1
- [ Maxx ] - "Do I shoot this gun? Yes, shoot it a lot." -- Jason MacIsaac, Ludology teacher [writing play] says:
I am currently playing The Homework Game featuring MS Word, and i can tell you right now, its a bad game.
∙¤*α м b ε я ℓ ý*¤∙ says:
Brad - Following in my Father's footsteps... says:
Kazan CSS WP server, I'll be in there
- [ Maxx ] - "I am currently playing The Homework Game featuring MS Word, and i can tell you right now, its a bad game." -- Me says:
better idea, come join my server, be careful though, its running the Arial font in size 12!
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