Full Name: Deanne Alison DeStefanis
Nicknames: D, Ali, Cricket<<< dont ask.
Single or Taken: taken!
Sex: female
Birthday: oct. 15, 1990
Sign: libra
Siblings: mmm... 1 brother, 2 ANNOYING sisters
Eye color: hazel/green
Shoe size: 4.5-6
Height: like? a lil under 5 foot
What are you wearing right now: my undies and a zip up hoodie
Where state do you live in: Michigan
Righty or lefty: Righty
Any pets?: nope. i had fish, but they all died within like.. 3 days
Can you make a dollar in change right now? idk proly
Relationships ----------------------
Who are your closest friend(s)?: marianne, amber, jeff
Do you have a b/f or g/f?: yea..bf
Did you send this to them?: no?
Best place to go for a date: um...somewhere nice..like a nice place to eat at and then something fun afterwards << i agree w. marianne on that one
Fashion Stuff------------------------------
Where is your fav place to shop: anywhere with CUTE clothes! umm... Deb, Wet Seal, Weather vaine, Rave, kohls, u no..
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: piercings
Favorite kind of pants: ummm? tight ones w. holes in em
Favs ---------------------
Color?: pink!
Number: 11
Boy's Name: hm.. dk
Girl's Name: hm.. dk this either
Subject in school: none really..
Animal: doggies
Drink: sprite
Sport: cheerleading!!!!!!!!
Food: hamburgers!:) .. or mac n cheese
Fast-Food Place: McDonalds
Month: hm.. July or December
Movie: I have alot..
Juice: Apple Juice
Finger: um..idk.?
Breakfast: pancakes!!
Cologne: mmm not to sure.. but Logan came over the other day, and he was wearin sum good smellin cologne, and i asked him what it was called and he sayd.. "mmm not sure. my mom got it for me"
Perfume: lilu or that other stuff.. dk what its called
Have you ever -------------------
Given anyone a bath?: yea..
Bungee: pshhh!I WANT TO THO!
Eaten a dog biscuit: nope
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: mmm have to say no.. but i was pretty darn close.
Played truth or dare: duh..who hasnt
Been in a physical fight:? ONE. but it was when i was littler.. so idk if it counts or not
Been in a police car: sadly yes
Come close to dying?: nope
Been in a sauna: yes i loooove loooove looooove it!
Been in a hot tub: ^^
Swam in the ocean: nope
Fallen asleep in school:? yea
Ran away?: ya... but i didnt get very far
Broken someone's heart: idk. i hope not
Cried when someone died: yyyeaahhh
Cried in school?: yeah:\
Fell off your chair: mhmm
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: no
Saved MSN conversations: no
Saved e-mails: ya..if they are important
Fallen for a best friend? yea
Made out with JUST a friend?: yeah
Used someone: no way. thats not nice
Been cheated on?: um.... idk. i hope not.:-\
Done something you regret: yupp.
First thing that comes to mind-----------------------
Blue: chair
Autumn: fall.. dont ask.
What is.......................
Your good luck charm?: mmm i dont think i got one
Stupidest thing you have ever done: well... i do ALOT of stupid things.. so idk
Whats your room like: like color? well the color is like a pale pink, and its a LITTLE bit messy... but you can still see the floor:]:]
Last thing you said?: "ooowwwwchh!!!"
What is beside you?: chair, another chair, pencile
Last thing you ate: dont remember, it was last night.. um? ice cream?
Lunch: um. dk.. salad?
What kind of shampoo do you use?: panteen pro v
Have you ever had-------------------------------
Belief in love at first sight?: yea
Like picnics: i guess.. theyr fun
Like school: fuck no.
What schools have you gone to?: Mark Twain Elementary, Richards Middle School, Fraser High School
Love anyone?: YES!!!!!!!!!
Would you:---------------------------------
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000?: ew! no!
Would you go to a hanson concert if you had a free tickets:? mm idk.
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: um.. prolly because your suppose to be "OPEN" in a relationship.
Who you admire guys/girls: in a guy-if they are really nice and sweet and dont use stupid pick up lines <
Who is the last person that called you: josh
Who makes you laugh the most?: MARIANNE AND AMBER
Makes you smile: mm josh. marianne, amber, rye, jeff, mark, all of em really
Last person:------------------
You Kissed?: my mommi
You yelled at?: jackie
Who broke your heart: uh.. jeff
who's your loudest friend: marianne or amber
Do you/Are You:------------------------------------------
Do you like filling these out:? when im bored.. yeah
Do you wear contacts or glasses: nope.. i use to wear glasses, but i lost em, and my eye-site like.. went back to normal.. so yeahh!:)
Do you like yourself: idk ?
Do you get along with your family: yup!
do you do drugs: nope.
Have piercings below the waist?: yeah.. 7. hahah:) jp. no im piercing free down there
Stolen anything over $50: nope
Depressed?: um..idk..i've been like upset
Final questions ------------------------
How many ppl are you sending this to: um..idk..?
How many buddies are on your list?: 216
What did you do yesterday:? layed around, talked on the fone, and went to cheer practice and got lauffed at.:]:]
Do you want to get married: pppsh yea.
Good driver: i guess
good singer?: nope.. hahah
have a lava lamp?: nope:'(
How many remote controls are in your house: um..idk a bunch
are you double jointed?: idk
what do you dream about?: idk..wat ever i feel like dreaming about
Last time you showered:? this morning
last time you took a bath?: idk... like...?a couple of weeks ago
last movie you saw in theaters?: mmm i forgot, but i went w. patrick, amber and jake
Sun or Rain?: sun!!
Scary or happy movies?: mm.. both!
White or chocolate milk?: white
Root beer or Dr. Pepper?: Dr. Pepper
Mud or jello Wrestling?: Jello:]
Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla
Skiiing or Boarding?:? mm idk.. i suck at both.
Summer or Winter?: Summer!!!!
Silver or Gold?: Silver
Diamond or Pearl?: diamond!!!/.. but pearls are cute too!!
Sunset or Sunrise?: well..both i guess
Sprite or 7-Up?: sprite!
Pants or Shorts?: depends..
Orange or Apple Juice?: Apple!
Cats or Dogs?: puppies
Coffee or Tea?: coffee.. tea is DISCUSTING.
In person or over the phone?: depends on who it is and wat it is i wanna tell them
Oldest, Middle, youngest or only child?: oldest:]
Indoor or Outdoor?: Outdoor
Boxers or Briefs: boxer
Tall or short: well..taller then me
Good or bad guy: a mixture of both
Dark or blonde hair: doenst matter
Curly or straight hair: doesnt really matter..it depends on if its long or short
Dark or light eyes: well..i like blue eyes..but it doenst matter
Hat or no hat: mmm? hat
Long or short hair: mmm.. not SHORT SHORT, but not LONG LONG.
Tan or fair: well tans awalys a plus..but it doesnt really matter..as long as they have sum color and arnt like pure ghosts
Freckles: idk, doesnt matter
Foreign accent or Canadian:um..well guys w/accents are hott lol but i guess it really doesnt matter
What do you notice first about guys: eyes and smile
six pack: hell yea!!!
muscular arms: not too big..but just enought to show that they work out and our interested in looking good!
Jewelery or none: depends on wat kinda jewelery
Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: it doesnt matter
What time did you finish this survey:? 10:42