Wasted Time
By: Anne (
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose
lorelaisquaredSetting: Through the Waters of Mars.
Author’s Note: I blame this fic on
tardismate, who made an off-comment to me in passing that got my brain ticking. And then
lorelaisquared took that teensy-tiny ticking and helped me come up with this. Thanks for the inspiration to you both!
“I wasted time, and
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Comments 33
Also? I'm SO glad that Donna gave the future Doctor a piece of her mind. He rather deserved it. ^^
So sad that the next part is the last! I've enjoyed this fic a lot. =D
And yes, future Doctor SO deserved that talking to! LOL!
I'm so glad you've enjoyed, and thanks for all the lovely feedback, m'dear! *hugs*
I am still curious how you'll explain (or you could just leave it a mystery, nothing saying everything has to be explained) about the future/present paradox of a Doctor in the future having to go back and set all these events in motion.
Looking forward to the conclusion!
And just to answer your question, or wag my finger at you: You WOULD pick the one detail I decided to ignore and focus on it! *sighs and shakes head* Well now, if I had focused on paradox of him not being able to change things, then I'd have no story, would I? Sorry if that point is going to keep nagging you :( But I choose to think that it's a non issue because he already changed things, even if by changing things he made it so that he can't go back and change things. Hence the disappearing. Or something. *sighs* I feel like I've let you down, sorry :(
*hugs you* Will I be seeing you tomorrow? I feel like I've barely seen you ALL WEEK! Stupid cold...
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Isn't it BRILLIANT? When she first told me about this I nearly fell off the couch in excitement - it's just so perfectly HIM. Especially CRAZYASS!Doctor. He would totally unmake himself without even realizing it - there's a REASON for the whole not going back on your own time line rule. *shakes head* Silly Doctor.
My favourite part of this chapter is the way that Ten gradually takes over and comes to the forefront as Future!Doctor begins to fade - it's such an ingenious juxtaposition, isn't it?
*happy sigh*
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But it was still completely heartbreaking to see him so scared and fading away and just wanting to be with Rose and telling her he loves her and---*chokes up* I know exactly what you mean... *swipes at own tears* He's so desperate for her that he'll do anything, and then to lose her in such a way... *guh*... and yet, he also gave himself an amazing gift by making the choice to change things - because he made his ( ... )
Ohh I am really loving this, can't wait for the last piece of the puzzle. This would have made for a much more exciting JE in my opinion. Long live 10/Rose!
Thanks for reading and I'm glad you're enjoying!
Have I told you lately how happy I am that you wrote this story? It's really one of the best things I've ever read and I adore it so. It's got the perfect mix of angst and happy reunioning and timey whimey makes my head hurtiness. It's brilliant really, in SO many ways. And I LOVE how unpredictable this part is - having known what was coming I've really enjoyed seeing the guesses people have made about what's going on.
*massive hugs* Well done you! :) This is fantastic, truly fantastic. You should be VERY proud of the story you've woven here.
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