1. Grab Your Phone.
Yup! Already here!
2. What is the 3rd picture of in your phone?
It's Lori, wearing my sunnies. She looks funny =p
3. What's your ringtone?
Dude, I have no idea! My phone has been off silent all of once since I got it....
4. Who's the 1st person that comes up under M?
5. Who's the last person you called? On purpose?
Mum, this morning.
6. Who was your last missed call from?
Azz, because he accidentally called.
7. Who's the 1st person who comes up under C?
8. Who's your speed dial number 2?
I don't do speed dial, I'd end up calling people all the time, and having to apologise, because I didn't mean to.
9. What does 3rd text in your your inbox say?
It's from Alice, from tonight, saying "what song? i just updated my itunes and now it thinks half my library is missing D:"
10. Who was your last received call from?
Nana this arvo, making sure I was lying dead in a gutter somewhere.
11. What does your 2nd sentbox text say?
"Oh dear :/ Listening to bittersweet symphony" It was also to Alice, from tonight.
12. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
Too many. I'm not sure how to count them.... Wait! I found a way! I have 465! ......... I should baleet a few......
13. What is the wallpaper?
A black/dark grey background with an orange lightening bolt type thing going through the diagonal.
14. Who's speed dial number 1?
See above speed dial answer.
15. Who is the 15th message from in your inbox?
16. Who's the 1st person who comes up under B?
17. How many bars of signal do you currently have?
18. What network are you on?
19. Name every person you have a message from in your inbox.
Alice, Rachel, Mum, Roy, Rahul, Yaulai, Lisa (vid manager), Service Balance, Aaron, Jon, Dyan, Franky, Lori, Ellen, 'Manda.
20. What does your 6th text message in your inbox say?
21. Who is the first person in your contacts?
Aaron B
22. Who is the last name in your contacts?
Zoe Murphy
23. What does the last text in your inbox say?
As in, the last one to come in? Which is "yes. most counting crows is :3". Or the very last? Which is "I've updates ur PIN & password @ the store." And I'm not putting up my nw PIN...
24. What is your screensaver?
An awesome green thing that's awesome.
25. What is your balance?
$1.75 of MyCredit, $122.79 of MyBonus, and $303.64 of Pre-Paid smses to Optus pre-paid.
26. Who's the last person under H?
Just my home number.
27. What is your bluetooth name?
28. How many numbers are in your phone?
74, but some are service numbers.
29. Could you live without it?
Maybe.... But probably not.