"I need some good news." Sarah heads to get an AIDS test.
"Have you ever had unprotected sex?" "Uh, is there any other kind?" LOL
LMFAO @ the entire doctor visit, especially the OCD comment!
"Were you trying to get AIDS?"
Oh, it's Jay's birthday! Laura is gonna throw him a kick ass party.
Hehe, I love that Sarah pulled her chair up between Laura and Jay at the restaurant.
A school teacher asks Sarah to come speak to her class. "Misses Silverman was my mother, and she was a bitch. I'm Sarah."
"Yeah, I did some drinking and drugging, tried it in the butt one or nine times."
"So what gets you AIDS?" Kids respond with "mouth, veins, tushy, and vagina."
Laura and Jay are buying things for his birthday party, but Laura's card is rejected due to insufficient funds. Sarah is the other person with access to the account... apparently she has spent $17,000 in the last 2 hours. We see Sarah has setup the Sarah Silverman AIDS Awareness program complete with signs and t-shirts.
Sarah appears in a Public Service Announcement. "So look to your left and look to your right, if you don't see someone with AIDS, you're probably the one... and buy a t-shirt!"
Jay's party is in full swing and his friends are all cops, with the exception of Laura, Brian, and Steve.
Sarah appears at a rally in formal attire and gives a speech about AIDS awareness- Evita style.
"Are you booing me because I might not have AIDS?" *cue the food throwing*
"Sarah, I'm sorry, but you do have... NO AIDS!!!"
Hey, it's Jimmy Kimmel!
Hmm, that reminds me of "The Office" ... "Who has two thumbs and no AIDS? This gal!"
Sarah turns Jay's birthday party into her re-birth party. Poor Jay... not.
Aww, Doug, I love that little doggie!
Great episode, I enjoyed it!