The world, as a rule, does not live on beaches and in country clubs...

Jan 23, 2008 22:18

I'm poor but I can't figure out what part of my life is suffering. I am ten pounds over weight, so I'm getting enough food. My closet is full of shoes, so my credit cards are working fine. And the candles provide plenty of light at night in the apartment...

1)How do you feel about violence? Is that suppose to be thoughtful? What if I asked you how you feel about peace?

2)Do you think natural disasters could be predicted with more caution? I believe our prediction methods are a good investment but I don't think we'll ever be able to fully hide ourselves from nature.

3)Do you think you make the ideal partner?
Ideally, no.

4)Why/why not?
Probably because I'm not ideal.

5)Would you ever get a genital piercing?
Haha, yeah.

6)Do you think happiness is underrated?
Yes. Happiness is heavily taken for granted.

7)What do you think would be the most embarassing death?
Attempted suicide.

8)Do you honestly think nice guys will end up better-off in the long run?
I believe everyone creates their own level of success. I really doubt it's about who was nice in the end.

9)How do you feel about self-harm?
It's probably the truest form of hatred. Hardly as ugly as hurting someone else, but more real.

10)Would/Have you ever done drugs?

11)Where was your first kiss?
In a tree or something..

12)Where do you wish it was?
It really isn't as magical as its made out, so I honestly don't care.

13)Would you consider yourself deep?
Hahaha, no, definitly not. Actually, I'm really starting to hate that word. Anyone who does consider himself deep needs to grow up.

14)Do you think prejudice should be taken more seriously?
Prejudice shouldn't even be a problem.

15)Do you dislike clingy people?

16)Do you prefer revenge or just pure jealousy/envy?
I prefer my murderers pychotic and without a cause, actually.

17)Have you ever felt like ripping someone’s tongue out?
Yeah, whoever made this survey.

18)Do you know what Russian Roulette is?

19)Do you think that bullies should be locked up in barns and burned alive?
I don't think we'd have any bullies if parents and teachers and neighbors and other children would just get over themselves, sit the fuck down together, and figure out what the hell the problem is.

Which celebrities would you “knock boots” with?
Conor Oberst

Do immature men amuse you, or annoy you?
Any immature adult pisses me off.

Are you happy with yourself?
No, not generally.

Are emos show-offs?
Yeah, not helping the entire prejudice thing, buddy.

Do you think that thinking highly of yourself is good or bad?
Confidence is good if your lucky enough to find it. It's dangerous, though.

Who would you like your next “fling” to be with?
Hopefully, Conor Oberst.

Are you the brawn or the brains?
I like the artists.

Do you hate those fluro kids?
Wow, your prejudices are getting so ridiculous I'm not even sure what the fuck you're talking about.

Isn’t it annoying when people have 10489043 msn accounts?
Almost as annoying as this survey.

How much does it take to write a literary masterpiece?
You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say. So I guess however long it takes you to figure out something.

Have you ever been embarrassed with a lover?

Are you a virgin?

Do you agree that Kurt Cobain’s lyrical ability was underrated?

List the pros of marriage.
Sex, shared income, love

List the cons of marriage.
Envasion of privacy, being stuck with the same boring person, sharing a bed

Do you think that plot lines for movies these days are just getting worse?
Yeah, just like the youth.

What is the most cliched pick up line you’ve ever heard?
I'm not sure..

Has your heart ever broken from just being too in love?
Oh, Jesus, you've got to be kidding..

What do you do when you’re upset?
Listen to music loudly, yell, hit, isolate myself.

Describe your “dream come true”.
Freedom from coruption. I don't give a shit if we don't all get along, it would just be nice if we could be fucking civil over our disputes. I guess, what I want is to escape everyone's bullshit. To jump a train to some warm coast and not have to worry about working at some place I hate for money that never buys enough.

Is your cup half empty or half full?
Somedays it's just half and other days, it would depend on the cup.

Have you ever been afraid of someone?


Do two wrongs make a right?
No, but it seems to make people happy.
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