Hey Guys!!!

Jun 30, 2005 16:31

I'm really sorry bout those lil thingies.... I was really bored and needed a pick me up... Well tell me how practice goes alrighty... Tell me if a have a director too!!!

Love Always, Mufasa?

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Comments 2

drumajorman July 12 2005, 17:25:52 UTC
yes we have a director now, and a show!


cookiemunster25 July 12 2005, 18:42:21 UTC
Are u serious!!! Cuz Vinny said we don't yesterday when we were on the phone... But IDK if u heard im not coming back b/c my MOM moved to Coral Springs so I'm going to the High school here!!! Coral Springs High!!! If u guys go to Hialeah I'll c every1 4 sure!
Love Always,

But I'm glad we have a show!!


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