Title - SJ in Candyland
Pairings - Haekie, Kyu[te]Nes (TEEHEE), Yephanie, Gengnica, HenKi (Henry/Yuki >3), Hyuknessa
Rating - G :D LOL probably will be all the way through
Summary- During a hard time in Donghae's life that seemingly occurred for no reason, Donghae and the other SJ members are warped from their world to Candyland, where lots of crazy drama and interesting people greet them.
Featuring: Jaeseong, Christina, Anna :D
"Son, I've always wanted to be a singer. But it's too late for me now."
The sound of ocean waves crashing on the shore calmly accented the sadness in his voice.
"Why, Daddy? Your voice is totally awesome!"
"I'm a little too old now, Donghae ah. But I've seen that you like singing and dancing too.. It would truly make me the happiest if I could see my dear son live out my dream as his."
The summer sun shone brightly on his dad's joyful smile as 12-year-old Donghae made the promise to take on his dad's dream for his own.
Donghae woke up, to find himself ironically on a beach. He sniffed the air for the familiar salty scent of ocean but instead ended up inhaling a chocolatey aroma.
"Hm? Where am I?" He looked around while still sitting on the warm sand. Then suddenly a coconut rolled out from behind him and nudged his hand. It unexpectedly broke open, showing a bitter smelling dark chocolate interior instead of the white flesh and sweet juice coconuts usually contain. He heard a couple girls laughing and turned around to look at them curiously.
One girl was the person who Super Junior saw in Fantasyland (she said she was warping them someplace, right?), and the other was a mildly pretty but short girl that had slightly tanned skin and black wavy hair with bangs. Both were in cute, fluffy dresses in colors of purple, pink, and white.
"HAHAHAH oh Donghae, you should have seen your face!" the second girl said, then smiled. "I'm Cookie! It's so nice to meet you, darling!"
Donghae made a confused face. What language is this? Not Korean, definitely. And, darling?
"Where am I?" he said, somehow also speaking in the other language.
"We're in Candyland!" the warp girl said. "By the way, I'm Anna."
Donghae looked around again, standing up now. Just beyond the beach was a lovely woody forest. That's where the chocolatey smell seemed to emanate from. Do forests usually smell like chocolate? Oh right, this is "Candyland".
"Ohh I can never get over your lovely glowing face!" Cookie said, suddenly popping up next to him and reaching up to touch said face. Suddenly she seemed to change her mind and instead weaved her arms under his and squeezed his waist, burying her face in his chest.
Donghae embarrassedly tried to step back, but not really wanting to offend her he awkwardly hugged her back, stroking her head (he'd had an impulse to touch her hair since he first saw her).
Cookie inhaled his familiar scent happily but then looked up and saw inevitably in the corner of her eye Anna looking very bored. She quickly let go of Donghae, to his relief, and covered her face with her hands shyly. Donghae felt a warm feeling grow in his chest where her head had been, and looked at the ground trying not to smile.
"Happy reunion done?" Anna asked impatiently. (reunion? Donghae squinted confusedly)
"Oh, yeah! We have somewhere to go!" Cookie said, breaking out of the awkward atmosphere.
"Huh? Where?" Donghae said dizzily, still feeling the effects of the hug and the warp.
"You'll see when we walk into the forest, we're going to the castle!" Cookie said, grabbing his hand and starting to tug on it.
"Maybe you won't believe us, but you're the prince of this land," Anna said mysteriously.
Goodness. Despite them being pretty young and cheerful looking, it really didn't seem like they were joking. Donghae pinched himself to see if he was actually dreaming. Ow.
"I am?! How?" He laughed a little. All his life people told him he looked like a prince, now he really was one?
He noticed a little flower made of gumdrops suddenly sprout out of the ground, and he ran up to it, amazed.
"Seee? See?" Cookie said playfully. "Your happiness makes this world go round! Mine too, of course!" She ran over to him again, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the forest.
"Hey, your fate isn't with that flower, it's in the castle! Let's go!"
Now Anna had come over too, grabbing Donghae's other hand, and all together the trio walked into the forest, leaving the quiet sunny beach.
Chapter 3 --->
Chapter 5