Name: Nina
Age: 14,8
Location: Almere, Flevoland, The Netherlands
Sex: Female
Religion: I actually don't really have one..
Bands/Singers: Infected Mushroom
Color: Black and pink
Movies: That's hard.. I think.. I don't know.. I like the Gladiator, but I actually like a lot of movies..
Size Envelope: The normal size.
If you could be any kitchen utensil or appliance what would you pick and why?: A vork, than I can sting in everything.
What is your opinion on drugs/drinking/any other illegal substance of any sort?: I think soft drugs arn't so bad if you don't use them that often (or as medicine), but hard drugs can be really dangerous, so make them illegal..
Gay marriage/homosexuality----for or against? Please explain WHY. I'm for. Because those people can't help it thay they are gay or something, and they're just people who can live together and adopt and raise children together, so why not?
Which teacher at your school would you most likely want to have an affair with? Yes affair. PLEASE GIVE DETAILS!!! I think Mr. Zimmerman (science) because he's the youngest :P, and I like him the most of all teachers, I have nice conversations with him and we've got some things in common.
Do you believe in pre-marital sex? (Ignore the affair you just had btw) Also, do you believe in contraception (i.e., condoms, birth control, etc). I believe contraception, except if you want to have a child. But if you don't, have safe sex. And I actually don't really know what pre-marital sex is..?
Why do you think we should accept you into cool_lyke_whoa? because I'm cool ;)
Pictures: Please post at LEAST 4 pictures along with your application. You have to be HOT as well as COOL. =)
The last one is made a few months ago, the rest all in August