Name: Kendra/ Bunny
Location: Desk, California
Age: 16
Sexual prefrence: The penis
Dating Status (Pictures are nice): Single (again)
Bands/Singers: A Perfect Circle, Tool, Candlebox, Bjork, Daft Punk, Otep, Incubus, The Lords of Acid, JOJ, Led Zppelin, System of a Down, Lapin, lots more.
Color: Black/ blue/ purple/ red
Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Labyrinth, Single White Female, Secret Window, Brahm Stoker's Dracula, many others.
Size Envelope: The big yellow kind. I'm not sure why.
If you could be any kitchen utensil or appliance what would you pick and why? A potato peeler, because they're useful, and an unlikely weapon that can skin enemies.
What is your opinion on drugs (legal or not) and drinking? Though drugs are not my forte, I disagree on the war on drugs. The more the authorities try to fight use and distribution of drugs, the more Americans will resist and use and distribute. Personally, I don't encourage people to use them, but as long as there are communities where people do not harm each other over them, it doesn't bother me all too much. As for alcohol, it's perfectly fine with me. Hell, I'd be a hypocrite to tell people not to drink. The only time it's a really stupid thing to do is when you drink and drive or do something to hurt people.
Gay marriage/homosexuality----for or against? Please explain WHY. I was born into the Christian faith, so my moral beliefs say that there shouldn't be any Gay Marriage. That is what I believe. But I absolutely do not discriminate against anyone, gay or not (unless they give me reason to). Then again, I do think that it's the person's business alone what they wish to do with their life. Nobody can really stop a loving couple from spending the rest of their lives with one another. But yeah...I don't think marriage is love--I consider it the other way around, and that if homosexuals are truly in love with their partners, that should be good enough without legal marriage.
Which teacher at your school would you most likely want to have an affair with? Yes affair. PLEASE GIVE DETAILS!!! Ew. But Mr. Fitzgerald is pretty cute. He's about 26 and he's tall...kind of tan...has a really cute little soul patch on his chin. I think he'd be a lot of fun to make out with ^_~
Do you believe in pre-marital sex? (Ignore the affair you just had btw) Also, do you believe in contraception (i.e., condoms, birth control, etc)? Ahhh...premarital sex. This little box of goodies again. My own conscience has fought with me about this for a long time. On one hand, my Christian belief tells me that sex is meant to be within marriage, only with your spouse. But then that would be contradicting what I said about how true love is bond enough to be a marriage. So on the other hand, I consider sex between two people truly in love (without being legally married) completely fine...morally sound. I guess it's something only someone who knows can understand. The contraception thing has different answers depending on which kind it is. For example, condoms are practically a nessecity now, because of the risk of disease among other things. That's no big deal. I'm sure Jesus himself would have encouraged people to use condoms had there been any in Jesus' time.... Birth control, though...I'm against that for a few reasons. 1) Because it can messes with a woman's menstrual cycle and has negative effects. 2) It doesn't prevent you from getting pregnant. The egg gets fertilized, and the birth control pill keeps it from developing into a baby, and your body eventually flushes it out. So basically, it's like getting an abortion. :-\
Why do you think we should accept you into cool_lyke_whoa? Because I am tres cool. And nobody can resist Bunnies.
(The madd money)
Me and my friend Gaby
Me and my .white.rabbit.