bow down

Jan 06, 2004 16:30

Name: cayce

Age: 17

Location: california

Grade: 12

10 Bands:
+ phantom planet
+ cooler kids
+ no doubt
+ the k.g.b.
+ the androids
+ grade 8
+ sugarcult *i know...i know*
+ death cab for cuties
+ rufus wainright
(A band you enjoy, but are ashamed to admit liking)
+ go ahead

5 Books:
* i dont read enough...
* the cider house rules
* little women
* promises
(Favorite Childrens Book)
* uh, i cant remember the name but it was about a boy in france

8 Movies:
~ dirty dancing
~ secretary
~ clueless
~ grease
~ s.w.a.t.
~ identity
(Favorite Cartoon Movies)
~ i hate cartoons...oh, but disney counts, right? that how you spell it?
~ cinderella

You're stranded on a deserted island. What 3 things would you want to have with you?
-Food/Shelter/Cell Phone don't count.- : hot guy, candles, massage oil


Eating Dissorders-theyre so interesting. i love learning about them and seeing pictures of the results of years of anorexia. im passionate about this issue.
Politics-um, i dont have strong opinions on this, i just...i need to learn more
Standarized Highschool Tests- retarded. so many people are totally intelligent but cant do well on tests. someone might have this wayy amazing gift of photography and totally bomb a standard science instead of making millions and pursuing their career, theyre stuck in high school trying to pass a stupid exam.
Straight Edge (sXe)- i remember when it was XXX. my brother was soo into it, got a tattoo and everything. i was so young...just taking it all in. i think its great for those who are part of it and its great not to be, just be who you are. its not like you can never change.

What's the weirdest dream you've had?: umm...i hate how i have basically dreamless sleep! i never remember dreams or when i finally do, i wake up and then just completely forget it. i cant remember anything weird.

What would you normally be seen wearing?: stylish clothes. but not explosive trends, i hate wearing what everyone else is wearing. so i have to search for my clothes, usually theyre expensive and exclusive, they have to be...i dont want to look like just anyone else. i have natural beauty and dont want to be compared to some cheap ass fake girly because we have the same sweater on. i like form fitting, girly clothes. im not the sweatshirt type. sacrifice comfort for fashion, always.

Why do you think you should be accepted?: yeah. i wouldnt spend my time filling this out if i didnt. but, honestly, it wont matter, its not like who iam is going to be decided by people in a lj community online.

If you could be any singer from the 80's, who would you be and why?: um..frank zappa. he had all this controversy and was a good way to get his name out there. and he had the hit 'valley girl' thats wayy funny. but you can only listen to it sometimes, because it gets annoying.

Relationship Status? If taken, tell us the sweetest story your boy/girlfriend has done for you. If single and have an ex, tell us a horrific ex story. Make us want to kill the bitch/bastard...:D:there are too many people to see to be taken at this age. i have so many opportunities and settling for one immature guy would be stupid. i dont have a really horrific story, im sweet and all, but, people respect me and know how to back out safe. usually, im the one doing the breaking up. im sorta fickle like that.

What do you want to be when you get older?: i want to be fashion designer. that would be so much fun. id be the boss and the brains. i want to be exclusive. like, celeb, high profile fashions.

What do you think is your most annoying habbit?: i take a long time to do my hair?

You can be anyone for exactly 24 hours (living or dead). Who would you be and why?: heidi klum. she is so cool. shes a cutie and i would love to live a day in her life. being a supermodel would be awesome, im just too short. either her, or colin farrells right hand, if you know what i mean...ha, jk.

Picture, please? *puppy dog eyes*: i dont have one online. i dont hand that shit out. its precious material. i assure you, however, iam hott. and today, im having a GREAT hair day. ;) byee lovers
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