☆ A R U Character: Kagura Explanation: Kagura's speech often ends in -aru, characteristic of the Japanese's impression of a Chinese accent. Skill: Cooking Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ G A R Character: Sougo Okita Explanation: Okita is gar. No, really. Skill: Charm Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ K A T S U R A P Character: Kotaro Katsura Explanation: KATSURAP DA YO! Skill: Dancing Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ K U N O I C H I Character: Ayame "Sa-chan" Sarutobi Explanation: Sa-chan is a kunoichi, or a female ninja. Skill: Acting Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ M A Y O R A Character: Toshiro Hijikata Explanation: Hijikata is obsessed with mayonnaise, and thus has the nickname "Mayora". Skill: Kendo Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ S I G N S Character: Elizabeth Explanation: Elizabeth uses signboards to "communicate", as well as an occasional means of attack. Skill: Drawing Card Worth: 1 Masters: none