☆ A M E R I C A Character: Alfred F. Jones Explanation: Alfred represents America of the countries. Skill: Leadership Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ C A N A D A Character: Matthew Williams Explanation: Matthew represents Canada of the countries. Skill: Reading Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ C H I N A Character: Wang Yao Explanation: Wang represents China of the countries. Skill: Cooking Masters: none
☆ E N G L A N D Character: Arthur Kirkland Explanation: Arthur represents England of the countries. Skill: Cooking Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ F R A N C E Character: Francis Bonnefoy Explanation: Francis represents France of the countries. Skill: Charm Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ G E R M A N Y Character: Ludwig Explanation: Ludwig represents Germany of the countries. Skill: Athletic Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ J A P A N Character: Honda Kiku Explanation: Kiku represents Japan of the countries. Skill: Kendo Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ N - I T A L Y Character: Feliciano Vargas Explanation: Feliciano represents North Italy of the countries. Skill: Drawing Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ P R U S S I A Character: Gilbert Weillschmidt Explanation: Gilbert represents Prussia of the countries. Skill: Leadership Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ R U S S I A Character: Ivan Braginski Explanation: Ivan represents Russia of the countries. Skill: Acting Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ S E A L A N D Character: Peter Kirkland Explanation: Peter represents Sealand of the countries. Skill: Acting Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ S - I T A L Y Character: Lovino Vargas Explanation: Lovino represents South Italy of the countries. Skill: Cooking Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ S P A I N Character: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo Explanation: Antonio represents Spain of the countries. Skill: Cooking Card Worth: 1 Masters: none