☆ B A N D A G E D Character: Abiru Kobushi Explanation: Abiru is always heavily bandaged. Skill: Medical Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ D A N G L I N G Character: Matoi Tsunetsuki Explanation: Her name is a pun on tsune tsukimatoi, which means "always dangling after". Skill: Housekeeping Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ D E S P A I R Character: Nozomu Itoshiki Explanation: DESPAIR!! Skill: Writing Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ H I D D E N Character: Kiri Komori Explanation: Kiri's looks are hidden behind her long hair and the blanket she wears most of the time. Skill: Housekeeping Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ I D E N T I T Y Character: Kaere Kimura Explanation: Kaere suffers from dissociative identity disorder. Skill: Medical Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ M A T A R O Character: Tarou Sekiutsu Explanation: She is nicknamed "Mataro" by Kafuka, although she refers to herself (as do most others) as simply "Maria". Skill: Cooking Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ O P T I M I S T I C Character: Kafuka Fuura Explanation: Kafuka is extremely optimistic. Skill: Teaching Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ O R D I N A R Y Character: Nami Hitou Explanation: Nami is a girl whose only trait is that she is completely ordinary. Skill: Reading Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ P R E C I S E Character: Chiri Kitsu Explanation: Chiri demands all things in her life to be precise, equal and conforming. Skill: Reading Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ T E X T S Character: Meru Otonashi Explanation: Meru only communicates via text messaging on her cell phone. Skill: Computer Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
☆ Y A O I Character: Harumi Fujiyoshi Explanation: Harumi is a fan of yaoi. Skill: Drawing Card Worth: 1 Masters: none