You need to right this down in a book. Sahmism sounds like it would be a sect of Christianity (believe in one God and that Jesus is his son blahblahblah are really the only major requirements for being christian, yet we make it a LOT harder than that
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So the crown of crazy homos is suddenly struck blind by God, and no body gets raped. The angel reveal themselves to Lot, and tell him that God is going to destroy the two cities Sodom and Gomorrah because they are wicked and evil (which brings up the problem: i thought god was supposed to love and forgive up? yet his answer to just obliterate them
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Yes, and that pretty much is the point of Sahmism. You can be a christian and practice Sahmism. Like I said, all the christian stuff that happens in church and all the stuff that the church teaches you seems to me to be a starting point
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Now I have to totally comment on the Bible. I hear and see so many people that think the Bible is ultimate truth. Your story about Lot is a wonderful example of how the writer has contradictions. To me it is sad because now that the Bible is considered the answer and truth to everything...EVERY. SINGLE. CONTRADICTION. lingers within every church and newspaper about WHAT IS MEANT HERE? And we go through life constantly arguing these contradictions. That is religion. Church is about interpreting the Bible because that is all we have from the past to go least that is what I see in the churches I've been too
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