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Comments 124

fafa_folle April 16 2010, 22:04:23 UTC
Bonnes vacances, ma Natou <333
Moi je veux une carte postale! x3


coolnat466 April 17 2010, 00:04:51 UTC
Yay, ci noté ma Fafaaaaaa \(≧▽≦)/
Mais t'étais déjà sur ma liste d'office♥ haha

Biyous biyous!
J'espère mon avion pourra décoler ヽ(;▽;)ノ


fafa_folle April 17 2010, 05:18:27 UTC
Merchiiii!!! Faut que je donne mon adresse, je te l'ai jamais donné, non? xD
J'espère aussi que tu t'envoleras tranquillement! Profites bien <3


coolnat466 April 17 2010, 08:57:55 UTC
AH mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr XD

Voui voui, donne-moi vite ton adresse avant que je parte XD!
Bakabakanat XD J'aurai été mdr en Chine, sans ton adresse XD!!


riori_addict April 16 2010, 22:15:11 UTC
uwa 2 semaines sans ma daisuki na nataspameuse ... comment vais-je vivre TT__TT

bwahahaha tu love la technologi grave!! un NATMIYA COUNTDOWN CLOCK!!!!! c'est la meilleure :D

amuses-toi et mange mange mange mange :)

bon voyage! ne nous oublie pas :p

j'adore le ketsu sur ton header lolz


coolnat466 April 17 2010, 00:09:43 UTC
Wuééé, désouli ToT
(Mdr, t'auras pas de spam, que c'est dommaaaaage XD)

Fiou, mine de rien, je réponds au commentaires depuis deux heures O_O (Okay, je faisais quelque chose d'autre en même temps XD [J'arashisais un amie *O* Maintenant, c'est un fan de Pan-kun! Otsukaresama deshita~])

Vais pas tarder à aller dodo là ♥

Biyou ma Ri-chama ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Je crois les doigts pour ton entretien~

PS: Arrête de fixer les fesses de mon header èoé!! XD


coolnat466 April 17 2010, 00:11:21 UTC
Je voulais dire un ami*, et non pas un ami
e XD

C'est tellement rare d'arashiser un gars que j'ai écrit le "e" sans faire gaffe XD!!!


riori_addict April 17 2010, 16:52:01 UTC
haha... au fait tu veux qu'il fangirl comme une fille c'est pour ça que t'as ajouté le E lolz


fizia April 16 2010, 22:16:00 UTC
loooool u're really crazy, ne∼∼ I love u for that! :D Have a nice trip! I'm going abroad in a few days too! :D And me want a postcard from China! :D


coolnat466 April 16 2010, 23:55:54 UTC
Waaahhh, you're going abroad too O_O?
Whereeeeeeeeeeeeee? O_O haha

Oh and if you want a postcard, please send me your address XD! haha, I think I'll be able to read my mails a last time tomorrow morning ♥


fizia April 17 2010, 00:32:13 UTC
I'm going to Rome. :)

yaaaaaaaay a postcard!!! :D Shall I send u m address via Twitter? :) I'll send u. Btw, plz give me your too! :)

kisses :D


jworks April 16 2010, 22:18:19 UTC
I first saw your Nino Nino, and he's just too adorable. Hahaha XD

WHAATTT? You're leaving me? T_T Lol But it's ok. :D Uwaaa~ CHINAAA! Have tons of funnn! Alright? Especially with Nino! Hohoho XD ANd look at your header~ Kawaii.

2 weeks is too long D: Be back soon my Nat~ And don't forget yo share your experience with Nino. Now I feel like calling him Nino Nino too,lol.

ME! I want a postcard! XD But it's not like I'm obliging you to. Am I asking for to much? HAHAHA :))
Have a safe trip my Nat~ And enjoy!! NATMIYA has been one of my favorite pairings. Next to Juntoshi. Lol XD


coolnat466 April 17 2010, 00:02:13 UTC
Haha, gomen my Naj ToT!
I promise to come back very soon ToT XD

Please send me your address if you want a postcard!
I'll see my mails tomorrow morning, before leaving ne o(゜▽゜)!!

Yay \(≧▽≦)/

I hope you'll be able to read my handwriting LOL
It's small and uuhh... well, it's not nice haha XD

Anyway, thankies my Naj (≧▽≦)

I'll miss you (*‘ω‘*)



jworks April 17 2010, 13:49:23 UTC
That's a promise! Lol XD Take care~

Is it alright? Heehee <3 That would be my first time receiving one, if ever ;D Wee~ But you don't have to prioritize that one :)

No, it's nice of course! Don't worry, I don't have a good handwriting either. :))) I bet yours is fine though :D

Take care alright? XD I'll miss you too~ *HUUUUUUUUGS*


juellie1104 April 16 2010, 22:20:47 UTC
i'tera'shaina~~~~~narimiya gif warota^^


coolnat466 April 16 2010, 23:43:45 UTC
Ahhh, it's Natmiya, not Narimiya ne ( ̄∀ ̄)
(I don't mind a Narimiya pairing though O_O!! XD)

Thanks to your icon, I feel like your Tama-chan is talking with me XD! Waaahhh \(≧▽≦)/ Please take care of my Ju-chama for me XD!!



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