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Comments 144

miyukick May 30 2010, 00:12:59 UTC
Dans 39 com'z j'aurais le 100éme~!

T'es prête pour le spam Natou ? (* _ *)


coolnat466 June 1 2010, 22:55:18 UTC
Mdrrr XD

Nempêche, t'as réussi à avoir le 100ème commentaire d'ici XD
Chuis impressionnée XD

Même si t'as un peu trichééééééééé XD XDX D


miyukick June 1 2010, 23:07:44 UTC
Mais j'ai pas triché... T-T


modueca May 30 2010, 01:55:42 UTC
Je viens juste de regarder Music Station aussi.
J'adore cette chanson !

Alors ta grand-mère est une fan de Jun ? Ah, mais on le savais déjà ça. Par contre, regarder HanaDan d'un coup, j'avoue c'est grave.

Le diagnostique : Ta grand-mère est une fangirl. Je suis désolée. Il n'y a pas remède.


coolnat466 May 30 2010, 08:54:07 UTC
Mdr, ma Grand-mère va me tuer car j'ai... toujours pas downloadé la suite du drama é_è XD

Faut je fasse de la place dans mon pc avannnnnnt!
La vie est dure ToT XD Vais tout mettre dans une clé usb en attendant je crois XD


naoyuki_chan May 30 2010, 02:49:40 UTC
Woo, coincidence...
Today, I watched Hana Yori Dango 1st season!!!!
Obviously, I totally loved Doumyouji *0*
and Makino... and Rui... all characters!!!

Yeah!!! I'm in a Matsujun mood too!!!
Regards to your Granny ^^
She has "good taste" XD


coolnat466 May 30 2010, 08:55:30 UTC
Omg, we watched it at the same time!!!!! XD

I felt so nostalgic while watching!
And I'm sure I will feel the same during the 2nd season o_o!
(I'm looking forward to Tomaaaa O_O Now that I know him, I wonder if I'll like his character XD)


naoyuki_chan May 31 2010, 04:01:45 UTC
I want to see HYD movie!!! *0*
I watched a preview and I really was excited >.<

Movie!! Movie!!


minlilin May 30 2010, 02:50:35 UTC
good you're in a Nino Nino mood so all the more I should/will elope with everyone in BREAKERZ :P :P :P :P

seriously your grandma's the coolest ever , I never heard of someone's grandma who watches HYD & get MatsuJun-baited in the process hehehe x)


coolnat466 May 30 2010, 09:03:44 UTC
Doh T_____T!!
That's not faiiiiiiir!
Give me DAI-chan and Shinpii ToT

You can have Aki-sama XD
Ahh but I don't mind if you give him to me as well neeeeee *O* XD I also want Cindyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaaaahhh, a date with Cindy O_O!

Ohh, did I tell you that I watched a part of the WISH concert with Granny? XD She came in my room at the encore! And she stared at DAIGO lol XD So I rewinded a little XD (And I've of course skipped the DoM song XD)

She loves Hikari *O*

By the way XD

The other day, I heard Mom singing BAMBINO o_o


It's epic, right? XD


minlilin May 30 2010, 09:10:10 UTC

yeah Aki needs more love T-T . He hasn't blog since 5 days ago & most of the time , well you know

& hey you forget DAIMI & AkiAki XXDD , why you only remember Cindy ? o_O

Ohh, did I tell you that I watched a part of the WISH concert with Granny? XD She came in my room at the encore! And she stared at DAIGO lol XD So I rewinded a little XD (And I've of course skipped the DoM song XD)

She loves Hikari *O*

I think your grandma will go O__________O if she came into your room & then REAL LOVE was on

I was watching that in the living room when my parents were around D: D: D: I'm lucky that they didn't saw that part , if not X_X

yeah Hikari's <3 but that part was so emotional , DAIGO was almost breaking down ;__;

The other day, I heard Mom singing BAMBINO o_o


It's epic, right? XDahahaha yeah , I think it's even more epic if your mum did the dance moves for it haha ( ... )


coolnat466 June 4 2010, 00:04:06 UTC
Ohhh *-*

I'm glad that your topic is more visited than before XD!!
I'm not in a forum mood lately T_______________T

And the YUI forum is asking for my come baaaaaack XD
Why am I that lazyyyyy ToT? (Ah, I forgot to listen to YUI's new single~)

Please promote our boys neeeee *o*
I'm sure you'd be a great manager XD

PS: Daimi and AkiAki, I love you too, I promiiiiiiseeeeeeeeeeeeee ToT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


rietsu_ai May 30 2010, 05:26:52 UTC
huwaaaah i take ninooo gif hihi..
thanks a lot for share XD~
chuuuu x3


coolnat466 May 30 2010, 08:52:33 UTC
Lol XD You're welcomeeeeeeeeeee XD XD XD
I'm sure I will make other gifs of the next performances of Monster XD XD

It's too tempting each timeeeeeeeee T-T
And I'm dying when Nino Nino wink to the camera u_u



rietsu_ai May 30 2010, 12:17:03 UTC
i`ll wait ur next gif hihi...
yeaaaaahh nino wink OMG makeee me melting when i see that

XD ninoooo is ours LOLZ


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