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Comments 109

nansan_ogawa June 7 2010, 09:57:01 UTC
WHAT???!! U bought 2 vers of iwojiwa 2p[sz,-0eidk4223$@#%C# v gdskl,oi
U waste ur money! ckckck anyway I want Ryo Kase! please scan it for me XDD~

Omedetto for ur ticket...honestly I'm scare with Gackt.. prefer a little Gackt that's means Hongo XDD [Moon child] XD~


coolnat466 June 7 2010, 10:16:16 UTC
Yes, I bought it twice XD XD XD!!!!!!!!
It's not my fault ToT

I'm a Nino Nino victimmmmmmmm T________________________T
It's all his fault! And the store's...! XD


And I'm sure I will never watch this movie again XD

But still, I'm glad to have the booklet XD........ T-T


Ah and gomen, I don't have a scanner XD!!


nansan_ogawa June 8 2010, 01:30:12 UTC
so then take a pic with whatever u have XD~ Ryo Kase~
I remember when this film played our tv national in here XDD~
that's 1st time I saw Nino in my own television XDD~
[I usually watch it with my laptop] XDDDD~


ladyninomiya June 7 2010, 13:05:12 UTC
I want one! Why did you buy the bluray dvd when you dont have the player?
Ahhh, I'm so jealous of you! I can't find Letters from Iwo Jima anywhere! >.<
Lucky you! :D


coolnat466 June 8 2010, 15:11:12 UTC
Haha, I bought the bluray because it was too tempting ToT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, they displayed it at the entrance of the store T__T

And it was written "SPECIAL LIMITED PACKAGE ONLY FOUNDABLE IN THIS STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" XD Aaahhh, I'm so weak ToT XD

I couldn't resist T.T


It's weird that you can't find Iwojima by the way O_O
I mean, it's an Hollywood movie O_O I find it everywheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeee! In every stores @_@ (And I admit that I always check if they have an extra super heavy collector pack LOL, I'm sure something like this exist XD! I just need to find it XD XD XD)

..........And now, I'm tempted to buy the Japanese collector edition................................... I found it at the store the other day XD


ladyninomiya June 8 2010, 15:24:27 UTC
Seriously, I can't find it anywhere. There's not much Japanese dvds. There are lots of Koreans.
Aaaahhh. Too many Korean fans here, I guess? But there are lots of Japanese fans too! :D

Haha! Aaah, I wish I was in your country -.-'


ishidaforever June 7 2010, 13:25:18 UTC
UWAAA!! I NEED TO BUY A BLURAY OF IWOJIMA NOW!!!! even though I don't have a blue ray player either..... XD


coolnat466 June 8 2010, 15:13:34 UTC
LOL, don't copy meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD XD XD DX XD!!!!!!!!!!!

(...I bought mine at "Fnac" by the way ( ̄∀ ̄) I've no idea if it's a French store XD! But they have a special edition with this booklet *-*)

I've no more places in my dvd shelves \(≧▽≦)/ \(≧▽≦)/ \(≧▽≦)/!!! XD


rowen_pop June 7 2010, 14:36:51 UTC
Congrats (comment tu m'appates trop avec la photo de Shô-la-prostipute :P°°°° *bave* )

T'es une belle chanceuse d'avoir pu l'avoir :) Apparemment c'était sold out en 5minutes!!!
C'te folie!

Je suis pas méga fan de gackt, donc m'en fiche d'avoir une place, mais chuis trop contente pour toi!!

En parlant de money, je viens de dépenser 100€ en CD (je veeeeux le nouvel album en LE pour une fois \o/ )


coolnat466 June 8 2010, 15:16:46 UTC
Mdrrrrr XD

C'est rare que je mette des photos d'un autre arashien O.O!
Enfin ces derniers temps, y'a beaucoup de Matsujun é_è

Mais c'est à cause de Mamiiiiiiie!!

J'ai re-regardé Hachimitsu to Clover au fait!
Le film! Avec ton Sho!! Et pendant touuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut le film, je pensais au Rowing Club des Mago Mago mdrrrrrrrrrr XD XD XD XD D!!!!!!!!!!

Bref, apparemment je suis assez ARASHI-biased pour aimer le film maintenant~~ Je l'avais détesté y'a 3 ans, quand je connaissais pas le casting XD

Waaahhhh, 100€ en CD!
Remarque, j'ai fait pareil hier T-T!
J'ai pris l'album arashien, un autre de DAIGO (pas BREAKERZ, noooo *O*), et ma place de concert............................



rowen_pop June 8 2010, 16:07:43 UTC
Voué ShôShô en mode loose pendant 2h... j'adore \o/
ah lala, je vois qu'on a les mêmes ref : les MMA Rowing Club ce sont mes eps préférés (bon plein d'autre éqalement, même si j'aurais aimé qu'on tourne le MMA Rowen Club, ça aurait été... différent XD)

Arashi c'est comme une drogue, tu vois tout bien après XD

MatsuJun!!! diva serait content de toi XD

Yeah, on sera coupine d'album (en fait j'ai pris le nouveau, plus le premier de Matsushita Yuya, parce qu'il est trop meugnon et comme y'avait une réédit de Kitto Daijoubu, que j'avais toujours PAS!! bah je l'ai pris!!)
Ca va me faire un groooos paquet en aout! Tiens faut que je photo mes singles arrivés des mains de mon pote la semaine dernière :)


coolnat466 June 9 2010, 21:37:20 UTC
Ahhh, Yuya Matsushita!
Son album est sur ma pending list!!
Tout comme celui de JASMINE qui va sortiiiiiiiiiiir *O*

Je prépare les sousous @_@

Ahh, j'ai toujours pas Kitto Daijoubu!
En fait, il me manque encore beaucoup de CD arashiens~
Mais je les aurais tous un jouuuuur èoé!!

Nino Nino m'a dit qu'il me les prêterai si chuis sage (*‘ω‘*)


lunamyrs June 7 2010, 14:39:25 UTC
GACKT is so so so coooolll. lol
i want to watch it too but it's impossible. he wouldn't visit philippines. lol.

i was stunned on sho's picture. it's so daring... but i like it. lol


coolnat466 June 8 2010, 15:23:52 UTC
Haha, eehhh I'm sure he'll visit Philippines one daaaaay!
Korean singers came afterall~

...WAIT, I'm not sure XD
Suju? lol, gomen, I just read it in my friends's blog XD

Yesterday, I watched an old live concert of GACKT again XD!
Because I need to update my Nino Nino mind LOL.
It's so easy to be in a GACKT mood again ne @_@
His songs are in repeat in my iTunes right now XD!

It's amazing how much it's easy to influence me XD!


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