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Comments 116

georgiaannaa July 11 2010, 07:40:31 UTC
Okaeri! [even though it's late xD]
OMG! I envy yoooou~ I was just at a little Tanabata Matsuri in another city T-T


coolnat466 July 11 2010, 11:46:52 UTC
Haha XD
I'm so lazy with my own blob lately XD!
It's because.... I have too many things to talk about T-T

Two weeks ago (...Three??), I said that the next entry will be Sho-related XD! But........ I never had the occasion to post it lol XD


And I have another Nino Nino entry to post soon @_@


But GACKT's concert will be next week!
Next Sunday! (Hai, another hiatuuuuus XD XD X XD)

Phewwwww, I'm so busy this July XD


georgiaannaa July 11 2010, 11:49:37 UTC
It's nice that you spend your time like this. I don't really do anything and it's killing me. -_-'

Have fun at GACKT's concert!
[I love his voice but he is scaring me !!!]


coolnat466 July 11 2010, 11:58:37 UTC
...Me too XD!

He scares meeeee XD
But on the other hand, he's so funny in TV shows XD
I watched some Hey Hey Hey subbed clips a few weeks ago~

I'm more and more curious about his house XD
It's like a castle, waaahhhh, amazing XD


xmaimonx July 11 2010, 10:30:02 UTC
its chotto dake off-topic but i just noticed that at my nearby station on the machine-things where you put your train ticket in and walk through there are Nino-stickers everywhere!! its the ad for that energy.drink i guess… the pink one!
you know i thought i have to report to you cause everytime i put my ticket in there's Nino smiling up to me XDDD

btw i bought a TVpia for the weekend and there was also a double page with only Nino (next issue is Aibachan~!!) so ill scan them later ne ;D


coolnat466 July 11 2010, 12:35:59 UTC
Omgggggggg, please take a pic of that machineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *O* XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaahhhh, or please import it in France, I don't knowwwwwww *O*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or please send it to meeeeeeee!!
I can give you my postal address if you want lol XD XD XD

AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *O*

But I'm sure I'll be tempted to buy more train ticket, if I see this advertise ._.

And energy drink XD!!

Ohh and I'm waiting for your scans *o* *o* *o*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My laptop is ready to welcome themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, my Mai-chamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *o*!!!!!!!!!!

*o* *o* *o*

I'm hungry XD!


lunamyrs July 11 2010, 11:57:01 UTC

tons of pictures! love it. just by watching those pictures makes me feel that i'm also in there. lol.

i really wish i was there. *sigh*

you're really having fun nat-chan! i envy you. lol. :))


coolnat466 July 11 2010, 13:15:15 UTC
Lol XD!
Ahhh, I should have take moreeeee pictures then *O*!!!

Or ahhhh, I know!
I should take you with me, next timeeeeeee XD
It'd be easier XD

Lalala♪( ̄▽ ̄)ノ″

But I didn't see any Hongo-related goods é_è!
Maybe some badges?? Cause there TONS of differents badges lol, but that's all @_@

Oh and he was in GANTZ's trailer too ne XD


lesth July 11 2010, 15:03:51 UTC
T'as pas vu les morning musume?

Oh rien que pour les purikura, j'aurais bien été à la japan...


coolnat466 July 12 2010, 15:32:14 UTC
Haha no ji pas vu les Morninnnnnnng é_è
En fait, ji pas vu de "stars" cette année~
A part Katsura et les bisounours~~


Ahh j'ai vu Amélie Nothomb au quartier japonais le jour d'après par contre! XD

Héééé, je croyais t'étais allée à la Japan justement O_O Où t'as vu les Morniiiinnnnnnnng? o_o


lesth July 22 2010, 08:43:25 UTC
LOL Je l'aurais meme pas reconnue si je l'avais vue!

Ben elles étaient à la japan pendant un jour, et ce jour meme, elles ont fait un concert dans un autre Hall du parc des expo.
Donc en fait, moi j'ai passé une journée à attendre leur concert, mais j'ai pas été à la japan.


coolnat466 July 23 2010, 00:16:20 UTC
Ahhh ouki O_O
.............J'ai pas compris ( ̄▽ ̄;) mdrrrr

En fait je pensais qu'elles faisaient leur concert à l'intérieur de la Japan Expo O_O

Waahh, trop bizarre~

Nempêche, chuis trop fière d'avoir vu (et reconnue XD) Amélie Nothomb hééhéhéhéhéhéhééhéhéhéh XD


emiyc July 11 2010, 18:50:20 UTC


HAHAHA And the "I-don't-know-what-but-it's-awesome" thing is called a 下じき(shitajiki) and you use it to write on! (in case nobody's told you yet..lol) You know, sometimes tables are uneven or have cracks and dents in them? You use that and you can write smoothly!^^ Hehe I bought the Ohno one when I was in Japan XD!

And OMG I can't believe they had clearfiles there! *cries* I want ooooone. :( lol

Ahhh I'm so jealous :D
and Calpis is the best!
...well I guess it's called Calpico now but WHATEVER I will call it Calpis forever! Oh...well the Japanese portion still says カルピスウォーター... wtf? XD My mom says they changed the name because calpis sounds like "cow piss" and it looks like milk so... XD HAHAHAHAH.


I missed you!!!♥


coolnat466 July 12 2010, 14:48:56 UTC
Lol XD!

I also saw the 2 names!
Calpico and Calpis!

I think the normal one is called Calpis~
And the flavored ones Calpico??

Lol, I don't know XD
But I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this beveraaaaageeeeee *o*
Even if it's super expensive in France ._.
A bottle of 2 liter = $10 O_O

EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, マジっすか?!

By the way, the first Candies I bought when I was in Japan was... Calpico flavored candiiiiies XD I bought it on random huhu~

Ahhhh and thank you for your explanation XD
About the shitajiki XD Hai, it was written "metalic shitajiki" XD But I don't want to open it actually XD It's like Aiba Aiba's clearfile @_@

It's too precious to use LOL


I want Nino Nino's oneeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss ToT
Okay, next year, if I see another official clearfile, then I'll buy it for youuuuuu *o*

I got the latest one this year hehe~

Hehehehehhehehehehehehehe ( ̄ー ̄)

Heheehhehehee ( ̄ー ̄)( ̄ー ̄)( ̄ー ̄)

( ̄ー ̄)

(Nooooo, don't kill meeee XD)


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