Arcana: Chariot
Time Period: 1934
Name: Betty Jo Anderson (Prefers to go by "Jo", but she'll answer to "Betty" as well)
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B
Birthday/Sign: October 1, Libra
Age: 15
Occupation/Grade: Sophomore
Room: 302
PB: Asahina Arumi, from Abenohashi Mahou Shoutengai
Appearance: A tiny girl, Betty Jo stands only about five feet tall and doesn't look like she weighs much at all. And she looks perfectly cute and innocent, to boot: her brown hair goes down to about her elbows, and she keeps it either in one long braid or twin braided pigtails. She's tanned a light brown and her face is covered in freckles. Her eyes are also brown.
When she's not in her school uniform, she tends to favor rather plain cotton dresses or hand-me-down pants and shirts from her brothers. Only her brothers don't know that she steals these things from them until they've found her running around outside in them.
Any clothes she owns are bound to be covered in patches, because the girl just can't sit still. She's always covered in various scratches and bruises, and her elbows and knees look horrible because of how many times they've been all scabby, but she doesn't mind it. ♥
Personality: Betty Jo is a far cry from being your average teenage girl, especially for 1934. She's rambunctious and incredibly cheerful, near impossible to deter once she's decided that she wants to be friends. She doesn't take things personally most of the time, preferring to be as laid back as possible, and likes to take life slowly. This can definitely get in the way with others, since she can be a poky little thing sometimes. This isn't to say she can't get moving, though -- when it counts, she can be relied on to get things done quickly and done right.
Having grown up in such an outdoors-y family, she takes an absurd amount of pleasure in the outdoors. Adventuring and getting covered in mud are near the top of her list of favorite things in the world, very near wrestling a difficult opponent. She has a fairly competitive streak in her, although she tends to get it out of her system through physical contests -- she would definitely stand no chance in a battle of wits and she knows it. And is completely comfortable with it, no less. It's her oldest brother's job to be the smart one. She can kick his butt any day anyway.
She has some difficulty controlling how rough she can get, though. Sometimes she forgets that other kids didn't grow up wrestling the gigantic family dogs and roughousing with older brothers and she can get a little carried away, especially if she gets into a fight. It's a little difficult to entice her into actually fighting, but she has some sore spots -- making fun of her family members, especially her father, will invoke a rather instant (and violent) reaction. She doesn't mean to be so rough most of the time, though, and most certainly doesn't know her own strength. She's the weakest in her family, after all! Surely she's just a weakling in comparison to others! ...What do you mean, she just broke your arm? D:
History: Betty Jo hails from a family of absolute weirdoes. The fifth in a line of eight children -- the survivors out of the original ten -- she is the youngest of the girls in her family with two older brothers and three younger ones. The family is incredibly close-knit, with the exception of her oldest brother, who prefers to keep up his Rich Kid guise rather than join the rest of his family in their weirdness, but I'll get back to that.
Betty Jo's father, Elmer Anderson, an avid outdoorsman, is a serial career-changer. Lacking an attention span long enough to stay in any single job long enough to really claim it as his profession, he has done a little bit of everything. Before Betty Jo was born, he raised cattle in west Texas, where he had a major hand in forming one of the most prominent ranches in the west. When he got bored with that, he had a brief stint as a horse trainer before somehow ending up in the Congo towards the end of the rubber boom. Three of the children born to the family were born in this time, though only one survived in the harsh African climate. Once he had made an unholy fortune selling rubber, he once again lost attention and found his way home to Texas, where he decided joining up on an oil rig sounded like a blast.
The rest of the family was born and raised in the time Elmer spent on the oil rig, once again bringing up a tiny business into an absolutely massive one. Once again making a fortune, and unable to decide what exactly to do with this kind of money, the family took a trip out to the wilderness of Vermont for a vacation.
One of Betty Jo's earliest memories is of helping her father trap beavers on the first vacation to Vermont. Even at four years old, she was never shy about getting dirty and bloody. It probably has something to do with her house being decorated in animal pelts and a wide variety of antlers.
Despite the sheer amount of money her family had, though, Betty Jo never really grew up in the traditional "rich kid" fashion. Her father encouraged her to play outside and catch horny toads as a child and, when she got older, happily taught her how to rope cattle. By age ten, she could wrangle a steer to the ground despite always being a small girl.
Just a couple years ago, Elmer once again lost interest in his job and decided to move on, this time to lumberjacking. Packing up the family and the family's small army of hound dogs (most of indeterminable breeds), they moved up to Vermont, where they had already built up so many fond memories. And once they'd had enough time to settle in, Betty Jo was sent off for some formal schooling... in part to keep her out of trouble. She's a growing girl, after all; and though her family sees nothing wrong with a fifteen year old girl running around in the woods and wrestling bear cubs for fun instead of going and finding a suitor, they know well enough that others may not agree so much.
Weapon: Starts out with a small hatchet that's made for chopping up firewood. She'll eventually upgrade to a LUMBERJACK AXE. :D
Stats: Strength, Vitality, Agility, Luck, Magic. She's really low on the magic end of the scale.
Persona: Chimera. It's a mix of American wildlife rather than Greek, though -- its head is that of a grizzly bear, its body is a puma's, its second head is that of a great elk, and its tail is a diamondback rattlesnake.
Evolved is... can I say the Jersey Devil? :D;; Only made up of animals her father shot on safari in Africa? Like, a black mamba for a tail, hind legs of a zebra, a wildebeest head, and vulture wings?
Strength: Wind
Weakness: Ice, Shot physical
Primary Skillset: Wind
Secondary Skillset: Strike physical