(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 21:12

Hey kids, I haven't updated in quite awhile, and I have a project due tomorrow. So now looks to be the best time to update!

Becky Brown
Period 3


Unbeknownst to many people who know me, I am extremely lazy. I do not appear to be lazy on first examination. I get good grades and I am prepared for my activities, such as knowing my lines for a play. My work is always turned in on time, and I am ready for school each day. From the eyes of the casual observer, I seem to be a person who is on top of my work. That is a misconception. In actuality, I procrastinate my projects and homework, waiting until the night before the due date. To never clean up after myself is a perpetual and consistently followed habit. I prefer to avoid work to such an extent that I even put off making decisions or leaving the house.

Projects, papers, and intimidating assignments constantly hang over my head. I never get them done early. I may threaten to finish them before the night they are due, but never follow through with my threats. Friends understand the days which are due date days by the bags underneath my eyes. In fact, this very paper is being written twelve hours before the due date. I may be prepared for school, and I may get my homework done, but that does not mean I get it done when I should. I stay up more nights than necessary, because I prefer to listen to music during the hours of the evening that I should be doing work.

I never clean up after myself. My room is a pigsty, with the contents of my dresser and closet regurgitated on my chair, floor, bed, and any other place possible. Piles of compact disks (cd’s) are placed on any flat surface available. Cups which contained hot chocolate, tea, water, and strawberry smoothies lie precariously with mold and strawberry seeds inside. The wax which spilled from a decorative candle a few seasons ago remains on the license plate which it had been balancing upon. My desk looks as though a miniscule but powerful hurricane hit it. When I walk into the house, I leave my jacket and whatever I’m carrying sprawled over the sofa. I enjoy cooking, so I often bake, but I leave the kitchen munching on a cookie unconcerned about the complete disarray behind me.

My laziness is to such an extent that I procrastinate decisions, even simple ones. When faced with what to have for lunch, I tend to ask other people what they are having. This is not because I have a need to follow them in order to fit in and conform to the group, but just a desire to avoid having to think about what food I prefer. When faced with what clothes to wear to school, I leave the decision to the fifteen minutes before I leave for school because I do not feel like putting the effort into it until I have no other choice. Leaving the house is even a chore, because it requires preparation. Preparation means effort. This means that I am late most of the time, including meeting with friends or other such activities which I enjoy. I use this example to show that my lateness is not an act of avoidance, but the product of pure and untainted aversion to effort.

My laziness is something that I should work on, but I’m probably too lazy to do anything more than say that. Almost every part of my life is affected by laziness; whether it be the messiness of my room, the disarray of my kitchen, or what type of cookies to buy at lunch. Most of the ways I am affected by my laziness are harmless, but I must be sure to keep a handle on it when it starts to affect my schoolwork or negatively influence my activities outside of school. So long as it remains innocuous, though, I see no reason why I should not heed Newton, who stated in his Laws of Inertia that “An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.” I use that as a personal philosophy for life, and follow it to the best of my abilities, so long as following it does not require effort.

Goldarnit! What a week! If any of my readers have heard of Goldfrapp, then I am certain that those individuals will be extremely jealous when I mention I went to a Goldfrapp concert last week. After rehearsal, I jumped in the car, changed shirts and piled on layers on the drive to the train station. I ate bread and cheese on the train, felt awesomely hip, met Bro at Grand Central Station, and chilled awhile in Times Square waiting for an amazingly kicking-assest concert ever. Sweet! I spent the night in Bro's dorm room after meeting ... what.. half of NYU? It was even more hardcore because I was SICK. Even so, I was still rockin it out.
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