Gender stereotypes get their reputations from somewhere, and the one regarding guys having no where near as much pain tolerance as those of the fairer sex is one that seems to hold a lot of weight, particularly when relating to sickness, and particularly with Americans.
Either way, wholes situation sucks, and I hope that the rest of your family doesn't get all infected. My paternal grandmother used to get breakouts (or whatever you call them) when she was already sick with other stuff, and it was awful. I don't remember her complaining...
Many hugs, and we will book for soon. Right now, I just have so much to do with all the crap that accumulated with the move, and two events at the house next week. Rurr.
Comments 7
Either way, wholes situation sucks, and I hope that the rest of your family doesn't get all infected. My paternal grandmother used to get breakouts (or whatever you call them) when she was already sick with other stuff, and it was awful. I don't remember her complaining...
Many hugs, and we will book for soon. Right now, I just have so much to do with all the crap that accumulated with the move, and two events at the house next week. Rurr.
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