Title: There's Always Something Worth Fighting About
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 194
Characters/Pairings: Stiles/Derek
Contains: Fluff.
Summary: The words come fast and easy. Based on a prompt by
Today it’s mud on the windowsill, just like yesterday it was the toothbrush and the day before that it was drinking the milk straight from the jug.
“Living with a real live actual wolf would be a hundred times better,” Stiles will say. “At least a real wolf wouldn’t have opposable thumbs and a discerning ability to eat only the foods my dad is saving.”
Derek, of course, just frowns, or maybe laughs that charming arrogant laugh depending on what kind of mood he’s in. And then they have violent angry sex, because apparently that’s a thing they do now.
“It’s like you actually want to get caught,” Stiles will say, a hundred different times in a hundred different ways. “You don’t have some kind of weird exhibitionism thing going on, do you?”
That one always gets him a death stare, as well as a rousing sense of accomplishment.
“Sourwolf,” Stiles says. He’s not sure when it became something more than a petty insult. “If you brood any harder your face will actually implode on itself.”
“Shut up, Stiles,” Derek leans in, and for once Stiles doesn’t argue.