I dunnit 8D~ Took me 4 (!) hours of work, but I got these scanned, coloured & finished all in one day! |D
I'm just giving you a little something before I finish and post Ganesa Comic part 2 :D A couple of these were in a way requested by sukurai and sanseiu, cos I'm well aware of the fact that they like Die x Kyo stuff 8D
More photobucket raiding led me to find these old manga/anime style drawings of mine 8D~ These are pretty old, and there a quite alot so don't be too scared of them xDDD Some people from my other journal might have already seen these ages ago :D
Sorry people, no comic this time xD But instead I have some drawings that I thought I'd up to show you >.>;; These are more my usual style of drawing, straight out of my head with little or no reference at all ^-^