Glee - 2x03 Grilled Cheesus Commentary

Oct 06, 2010 21:59

Finn was adorable with the grilled cheesus. Also it kinda made me hungry.

And I may have a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. What? I'm highly open to suggestion. And it's dinner time and I was too lazy/tired to actually cook something. And Finn has good ideas.

Kurt/Burt interaction was lovely. So realistic. Part of me wanted to smack Kurt over the head but it's also such typical teenaged behaviour. I love the mention of Friday night dinners with Carole and Finn. Yay! So glad the show is continuing with that relationship.

Finn/Puck. Coming Out. Kurt's expression. Rachel's expression. So good.

Puck sees God everytime he makes out with a new chick. And Brittany's grin!

(I've really missed the other characters actually getting lines in an episode. It's all the different voices in Glee that get a chance to speak that makes me love the show so much.)

I loved how everything grew that much softer, almost silent after Burt's collapse and Kurt finding out. It made such an impact on a show that is all about the sound.

Kurt talking to his dad and asking to squeeze his hand was touching and I love the running motif and father/son holding hands that threaded throughout the episode. Especially fitting after Kurt's song.

Finn and boobs. He is SUCH a breast man.

Tina/Kurt hug! Santana/Britt/Kurt. I want more of this please (but next time in a less depressing setting although I loved how everyone gathered around Kurt).

I actually enjoyed Finn freaking out on Kurt about being the last to know about Burt. I think it was a nice tie-back to last season and being the last to know about anything and the whole Kurt jealousy that Finn was the better/wanted son. Kurt's reaction felt very realistic - he's not really going to be thinking about anyone except himself and his dad right now. I wonder how he feels about the whole Hudson/Hummel family thing now? He certainly seems less enamoured by Finn this season. I want the show to explore more Hudson/Hummel and especially Finn/Kurt brotherhood.

Mercedes looks awesome. I love how they curled Amber's hair - it looks really good.

"Is God an evil dwarf?" Bwah, Brittany, please never change.

Quinn's freak out over the 'blasphemy' was so, so perfect. She is very much the devout Christian and I've known people like her. I have family who are like her and Dianna's tone and delivery was perfect. I'm also pretty ok with the show not further elaborating on Quinn and her religion here because the episode's focus was largely on faith and Quinn's faith/belief in God has been well established.

(That said, I wouldn't mind seeing more about Quinn and her grappling with her religious beliefs post-pregnancy but I just don't think this was the episode for it.)

Sue's speech on religion and schools made me think of The West Wing. I started having flashbacks to the Pilot and Mary Marsh trying to blackmail the Adminstration.

Interesting that Glee decides to show Sue and Kurt holding the Glee Club hostage to their atheist views. I use hostage here only in that the feel of it is very much in line with one of Sue's normal underhanded schemes/ploys. It is neither an endorsement or a condemnation on Sue's and Kurt's point of view.

Finn and Rachel in the bedroom is adorable with a nice dash of awkward. I like that Finn seems to be mainly talking to Rachel's breasts during most of the conversation.

I've also decided that Rachel being a 'prude' is consistent with her character. Although I wouldn't use the term 'prude' and consider it more as Finn's boy talk in summating their lack of sexual physical progression.

I think Rachel is sexual progressive and liberated at an intellectual level. I think she does recognize that she has physical needs and desires hence her eagerness to make out with Puck in season 1. But emotionally she's not ready to take it even further. Puck complained about her not letting him touch her boobs and she stopped Jesse from having sex with her because she wasn't ready.

FINN/PUCK! I love this friendship (potentially the most) and I love how they're kind of talking and Puck is opening up and they have all that history but it is still kind of tense. Also Finn's wishes and teenaged self-absorption and the guilt when he starts thinking about Burt.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Rachel/Finn/Quinn/Mercedes/Carole hospital scene with Kurt looking on. Although part of me kept on thinking how the Carole/Quinn meeting may have been on the tad awkward side.

Finn becomes quarterback again and Sam gets injured and the GUILT on the boy's face. I just want to hug the boy. Also he looks really good with his hair like that.

Kurt singing. Little Kurt and Burt. (The tea and cakes! And can we keep little Kurt?)  It's all mushy, adorable and heart wrenching.

Mercedes/Kurt friendship FTW.

*GASP* Emma actually acts like a guidance counselor. And Finn's expressions are pure gold.

Losing My Religion was a little weird. I liked the song and Cory's rendition but I felt the positioning of it to be a tad strange. I guess because I had difficulty moving away from the reality that it's not a song about losing one's religion/faith. Plus it's forever going to be in my books as the Brenda/Dylan breakup song. And Finn striding across the hallways singing it makes me feel like he's obsessed/breaking up with the love of his life...and then it cuts to Finn staring at Kurt in the library.

I wonder if the show was trying to make an analogy between Finn/Kurt and the father/son issues as well as the switch in positions with regard to religion by the end of the show - Finn moving away from God while Kurt agrees to accompany Mercedes to church.

Or maybe, Finn trying to sing for Kurt? Because if you just consider the lyrics then it would work as Kurt mourning/wishing/pining for his dad.

The commentary by Tina and Mercedes after the song made me sad. I expect better musical knowledge from the both of them!

Tina singing in 'One of Us'! Can we have more Tina singing, please? And Tina's hair looks really good too. The hair stylists are on fire this episode. The small Mike/Tina interactions make me happy (I want to see more of this couple).

I love when Glee concentrates on the friendships.

The friendships make the show for me. They really do.

Finally. I've tried to stay away from commenting on all the religious aspects of Grilled Cheesus. Mostly because I can appreciate/respect the various points of views and have even vacilitated from some of the various sides. I will add though that I totally wouldn't eat the week old grilled cheese sandwich.


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