May 2, 3, and 4 = FREAKING AWESOME

May 05, 2008 22:28

heh... I'm gonna post my first new LJ for the month and I guess I'm posting it on Luffy's birthday for which I have drawn nothing for >__> been too self absorbed in my own original stuff which yeah I realize is super duper boring and nobody cares but I shall now go into how freaking AWESOME this weekend was ^__^

Alright! I put this in a cut cause well everyone probably isn't gonna waste their time heh ><; Well I knew that my sis Melody and I would be headed up to OKC to pick up Lynn who rode by train to come visit us and go to the Muskogee Renaissance Fair. We had asked a few other people to go, but I guess we were lucky to get one person LOL I know that A-Kon is around the corner so it was really awesome Lynn got to come visit us!

While we were in OKC, we got to eat lunch at the Asian Market with Youshi, Ms Cricket, and PirateNeko which was pretty fun ^^ I've never been to such a place before! We even took some pictures and it felt like times long forgotten when I used to have friends which is a feeling I haven't felt very often heh ><; I'm glad they all made time to have us come visit cause I know they had plans ;3; I even got to try Thai Tea... without the tapioca balls in it LOL man that was DAMN good tea I honestly didn't think I'd even like it O_O also... got to purchase some DELICIOUS Pretz at the asian market ^__^ <3<3<3 thank you guys for inviting us DAMN that was fun! ^____^

We headed home to Muskogee of corse to get things done which involved hitting Wal-Mart >_>; when does a day pass when we don't go? LOL but we all got our costumes ready, which my sis and I had silly secret costumes incase we didn't get done I didn't wanna tell everyone what they were then we'd be like 'well hell we didn't get done', that and I thought we'd get to show some more friends, but things come up. I ended up using some really shitty antlers for my Chopper hat that I made by hand pretty much LOL it's a cute hat ^^ but I gotta redue the crappy antlers >__> well atleast it was fun to make...

Yippie! The day has finally come! We had planned to hit the Renn Fair for more than a month heh >< it's too bad more people couldn't go it's really a lot of fun if you're into this type of thing. My sis dressed up as Luffy, Lynn as Zoro, and myself as Chopper since we NEVER EVER dress up we wanted to this year! It's the 13th year they've done the Fair and the first year we've dressed up as something LOL ><

Well the Fair itself was as expected, fun and we saw familiar faces! We took a bunch of pictures for which I won't bore people too much with ^^ My sis got to purchase one freaking AWESOME flint lock pistol to use for her Bellamy, and some Kennel Corn... she was an adorable Luffy ;3; we got to see the parade and some how we missed the human chess match but it's never been the same since the first few years. I got lots of compliments on my goofy hat, one man saying he thought it was the most unique hat he'd seen heh >//< made me happy! And I was called a moose by the king, and by several others, and a nice gentleman even sang me the moose song... LOL I wish we'd recorded that! Well here are some pictures incase my description of the events didn't really bring our fun times to life ><; LOL

and OMFG I HAVE to post these O__O there was an AMAZING Jack Sparrow and we all got our pictures with him ;________; he was so cute...!!!!!!

heheh >__<

Well after the Renn Fair, we headed home and we had planned to hit Tulsa and eat and THEN go see Iron Man. We ate at The World buffet er I think that was the name. It was a chinese place that strangely had... cheese cake >__> my GOD I ate FAR too much of that! So it was my mom, my sis, Lynn and me and we just had a BLAST! It's been a while since we all went out together, and it was fun to have Lynn with us ^__^ she's just silly LOL *glomps her*

After the chinese we had time to hit the Prominade Mall *yes my spelling SUCKS* where my sis and I bought manga we didn't need, and the new Shonen Jump that of CORSE had shitty ass Naruto on the cover. Atleast my sis gets to doodle on it and deface it again. I got the first volume of Eureka 7 and the new Shaman King. Finally, we headed to the AMC since it was the theater showing the movie. We didn't have to wait long and made it in fairly quickly and easily.

The previews were pretty hum dum... but it was really the movie itself that was BREATH TAKING my GOD don't you DARE read any further if you don't want to be SPOILED.


This was BY FAR the best movie I've seen in a LONG LONG LONG time. I mean I am In LOVE with the Transformers Movie, but I think I could watch Ironman a million more times atleast. It was a MILLION times better than all 3 X-Men movies, especially the 3rd SHITTACULAR one, and the preview for 'the incredible Hulk' was SO stupid I refuse to go see it, but Ironman is most definately better than it LOL
However... do consider that these are my opinions >__> don't get offended and try to force yours down my throat. However, DEFINATELY go see Ironman ... I think I'm in love with him now LOL he's so awesome ;_; like a little human Transformer... <3
Also, stay to the END OF THE MOVIE or you WILL MISS the end.

Saturday was probably the best Saturday EVER... plus, an episode of Transformers Animated came on that is probably one of my all time favorites ^^ Poor StarScream. Even Ben 10 Alien force wasn't horrible LOL

Well Sunday was the day we had to take Lynn back to her aunts which we put off as long as we could. It's never any fun for friends to go home ;3; However, the drive up, though boring, was still fun ^^ we talked about cosplay, about AnimeFest or the next con in general AND we stopped at FireLake Casino, which is a HUGE ASS Casino just outside of Shawnee where Youshi lives. I can't believe she's never been in! They... they have FREE ICE CREAM... ALL THE TIME O___O Lynn had been told by her mom that they did, but we didnt' know till we stopped. We had planned to stop on the way home Friday, but the road construction congestion was just a NIGHTMARE but by GOD no matter WHAT I planned to stop on Sunday which we got lucky and the road construction was pretty much gone ^^

The Casino was AMAZINGLY awesome O_O I was in awe as we walked around. It was two stories tall, lots of gambling machines, poker tables, a buffet, and well even the bathrooms had automatic soap dispensers that when you hover your hands under them, they poot out soap into your hands! I can still taste the wonderful sweet icecream ;__; I know... all Casinos have this stuff but this was special... I've never been to a place SO HUGE and so awesome!! They even had Valet parking O_O I felt like upon entering the building I was going to a con ;_; it was just awesome!!
Here's a few pics just to show you what it looked like >>; I'm ... in one LOL

So that was our Sunday... it was sad to have to go home heh >< but the weekend was so much fun ;3;! I hope everyone had as much fun as we did ^^ I recomend everyone go see Ironman also ;__; you'll never fall in love with him if you don't go see it!! >___< RAH!

er yeah... sorry I'm sure I bored EVERYONE LOL >< hehehehe but yeah... first time I made an actual LJ that had pictures and everything! woot!

I'm off to doodle now heh take it easy everyone ^^

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