tis a sad day... ;3; buuuuu!

Jun 16, 2008 02:56

ok yeah spoiler alert for those VERY VERY few who are Ultimate Muscle/Kinnikuman Ni Sei fans... so I shall spoiler tag but there is also a fan art picture so er... feel free to look at it ^^;;;

well I just saw some chapter pictures for Kinnikuman Ni Sei and and and ;___; well if you read it YOU KNOW! ... er not read but look and try to follow untranslated teaser pictures >3>;

It looks like poor Terry sacrificed himself to save Robin Mask... who in turn can NOT die or Kevin Mask will not exist anymore. It was bloody... there were tears ;___; Mantaro and Terryman both cried hard! I feel so bad for Terry >3<

however I wasn't able to draw a fan art that was epic and sad like my sis did, so instead I drew borderline Yaoi >__>; well they're supposed to be JUST FRIENDS in this pic but yeah I can't help that I think they're cute together... sorry Roxanne!

Now my sis and I will have to take even more yaoi pictures when I cosplay as Terry heh x__x; *dies* but it shall be fun and NO HELL KNOW I'm not doing the American Flag leotard... *shudders*

I got nothing else exciting to say ;__; waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! and it's about to storm >__>; and tomorrows my day off FREAKIN' SWEET


fan art, death, yaoi, terry, ni sei, kinnikuman, ultimate muscle

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